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pls help-task 2 criminal

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 11:32 am
by rairaichan0323
Facing people who commit crimes after setting free from prison, people always have much complain about it. What are the reasons for this problem? What measures should be taken to deal with this?

In the modern society, law-breakers have to capture in the prison when they committed crimes. After they come out from jail, they frequently make a lot of complaints. In this essay, it will analyze the sources of this problem along with some possible solutions to it.

Chief among the causes of this problem is the criminals are lack of life skills. For example, after staying in jail for several years, they are alienated from the society. They properly do not know how to integrate into the modern community or even communicate with people. In order to address this issue, perhaps the most effective method is for the government to provide them a rehabilitation scheme for teaching them the basic skills like as teaching them the public transport system, cooking skills as well as communication skills. As a result, it can assist them to return to the real environment easily and also can cut down their complaints.

Another contributing factor is that offenders become joblessness. Companies usually do the reference check and require candidates to provide police clearance certification. Consequently, they will have an opportunity to get a job. To tackle this issue, the government should provide more support to them such as offering an educational programme to them for teaching them employable skills. Also, the administration gives financial incentives to companies which are willing to employ perpetrators. It is obvious from this that it can fulfill their needs and can diminish their complaints.

In conclusion, I contend that it is clearly a problem of such complexity and no easy solutions in the short term. However, I believe that the measure outlined above would constitute a good first step.

Re: pls help-task 2 criminal

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 1:23 pm
by durai
Hi Rairaichan,

Is the wording of the question is correct?

Because I didn't undersatnd clearly when I read it, so can double check it for me?

Durai :?:

Re: pls help-task 2 criminal

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 1:41 pm
by rairaichan0323
I also not really understand it. So i just guessing. I got this question from one chinese website. I think it may something wrong of it.
Anyway thank you durai