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Appearing for GT on 17th May

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 8:02 am
by nileshmudgal
If anyone here is going to appear GT IELTS in Australia or Newzeland tommoro.
Could you please post your writing question as soon as you leave the exam hall?

I am going to appear IELTS GT Tomorrow LRW in Navi Mumbai.
Speaking is on Sunday. Will post all question as soon as i leave the exam hall.


Re: Appearing for GT on 17th May

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 8:32 am
by sassandeep
Hey Nilesh, at what time your speaking is and are you going through BC?
BTW I am sandeep appearing from BC in Navi Mumbai.

Re: Appearing for GT on 17th May

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 8:59 am
by nileshmudgal
Yes I am going through BC only..My speaking is at 2 PM in Grand Central Parel Mumbai..
LRW is in Abott Hotel....What abt you?

Re: Appearing for GT on 17th May

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 9:29 am
by sassandeep
Its at 12 PM same location. Its good for you then. You can drop me a message on the mobile no. I provided will share the question once I complete my answering.

Re: Appearing for GT on 17th May

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 10:58 am
by nileshmudgal
I have just completed my test in bangladesh. Wring topic 1 was " write a letter to a hotel manager for a party.
Topic 2: is building road is the best way to reduce traffic congestion?

Re: Appearing for GT on 17th May

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 11:50 am
by Pubudub
Hi friends,
I did the IELTS GT exam 30 minutes ago. It was only listening, reading and writing and my speaking will be on 21st May. I did the exam through BC Sri Lanka.

Section one: About a holiday a person spent
Section two: About intellectual property (Fill the gaps on copyright, patent, trademarks….)
Section three: University seminar
Section four: University students getting ready for an automobile exhibition

Section one: Matching paragraphs on driving test
Section two: MCQs for automobile
Section three: T/F/NG and MCQs on finding jobs/Having a club to find jobs for peers
Section four: China – German trail system in China

GT Task 1:
Write a letter to Manager in a hotel to reserve a room for a family event.
• Describe the event
• What you need in the room and why you need a room
• Ask questions on food and price
GT Task 2:
Building roads is a best way to reduce the traffic in cities. With examples, describe your view.

Listening, reading and writing exam version was 14235.

Good luck all,

I should take this opportunity to thank you Ryan. You are doing a great job. This web site is a valuable knowledge base. Keep up your good work. May God bless you....!

Re: Appearing for GT on 17th May

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 1:41 pm
by sravan24
thanks for sharing...

Re: Appearing for GT on 17th May

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 6:39 am
by nileshmudgal
Hi Guys,

For the Essay question on 17th GT exam in India was :
Some People Says Best Solution to reduce Traffic problem is Build more roads in Cities.

What is your opinion?

I wrote essay is Argument Style by disaggreing the above statemnts and Developed my essay with two other important factors to considered equally important for Traffice and suggested solution as well. I have also wrote it is not possible to widen the roads because of space crunch in metro cities and emphasized more on other soultion like inmproving Public Transport and social awareness about Car Pooling and Imposong Green Taxes on Familieis who ows more car.

Will it be ok to answer this way because when i came out many people said they developed it in Cause and effect way , few did in Advantage and disadavatge way...

I have concluded with recommendation as well.

@ Ryan : Could you please let me know tyour valuable feedback here?