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Writing correct answers for listening and reading

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 4:57 pm
by saqibali
What about reading section?
1)Does spelling and grammar both counts?
2)What if the answer requires you to abridge/rephrase a sentence into two words ?In this case answer of all people will be different?will all answer be correct?
3)Does computer read our answer sheet? or a human?I hear only computer read our answer sheets.
4)If computer read our answer sheet, in that case sometimes our writing get illegible(Can not be read with using a human mind because of too personalized writing style of people) such a way that a machine can never distinguish characters?Whats happen in such case?
5)Is some particular writing style is recommended to write answers(both listening and reading)
Like a)Saqib b)SAQIB c)S A Q I B

6)Is it acceptable to write answer in a way that all alphabets are much much interconnected and inserted into each other(Like a normal handwriting ...Like people normally do) or write alphabets with separately so that a machine could read them? Example(]This Is My Signature There Are Many Like It But This One Is Mine My[/url])

Please answer all above questions one by one.I feel that I lost my marks for these reasons only as I was sure about my answers and result was 2 bands lower.