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task 2..

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 10:04 am
by robin20y
sending criminals to prison is not the best method of dealing with them. education and job training are better ways to help them. Do you agree or disagree?

Since the dawn of the history, imprisonment remains as a major form of sentence to criminals. However, recently, some people regard jail sentence as improper and they suggest education and job training as alternate solutions. I disagreed to that concept. Forth coming parts of this study will state that view.

For one, instances of crime even in the highly educated societies can point the necessity of jail sentence. For instance, a few months back in Russia, one patient was beaten to death by his doctor. Unfortunately, this type of incidents have no relation to the literacy or job of the criminals. Therefore, in such situations jail is the most suitable punishment over alternative forms.

Secondly, the severity of offences sometimes refer the need for incarceration to prevent the recurrence. For example, drug trafficking is one of the worst threats we face today. It is widely known that illiteracy and unemployment are not the primary reason for this social evilness. In fact, uncontrollable desire to earn money is the cause to follow that misdeeds. So, the followers of such actions need to be isolated from from the society to prevent the repetition of that types of crime.

On the contrary, less serious offenders will be benefited from education and job training. To illustrate, in India, many illiterate and unemployed youngsters are forced to do offences like pick-pocketing. Fortunately, such criminals will be able to find a decent living once they are educated or prompted to do some works. However, this is an instance which is applicable to a minor group of criminals.

To conclude, imprisonment is necessary to prevent the recurrence of certain crimes in society and also helpful to distract people from criminal activities. Therefore, it is clear that why the concept for job training and education for all criminals over jail sentence is not supported.