task one

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task one

Post by robin20y »

The following pie charts show the results of a survey into the most popular leisure activities in the United States of America in 1999 and 2009.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

Given pie graphs represent the changes happened to the free time activities of Americans in a time period between 1999 and 2009. It is interesting to note that in both years, majority of people interested in walking.

In the year 1999, yoga was the least popular than any other given activities. Three other activities with lesser participation were jogging (7%), camping (8%) and swimming (9%).Aerobics was the third popular activity with a rate of 13% which was closely followed by bicycling with a difference of 1%.walking and soccer shared the first and second leads of activities with 29 % and 17% participation respectively.

During the year 2009, people changed their activities dramatically. While participation in swimming doubled from 1999, the number of joggers halved. The most striking feature is that in 2009 yoga was out of the chart and a new activity weightlifting added with a participation of 10%. Bicycling is another activity which increased its popularity by added 5% than the previous year. However, participation in other activities remained with insignificant changes.

This ends report.
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Re: task one

Post by Flick »

robin20y wrote:The following pie charts show the results of a survey into the most popular leisure activities in the United States of America in 1999 and 2009.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

The pie graphs represent the changes to the free time activities of Americans between 1999 and 2009. It is interesting to note that in both years, the majority of people were interested in walking.

In 1999, yoga was the least popular activity. Three other activities with lesser participation were jogging (7%), camping (8%) and swimming (9%). Aerobics was the third most popular activity with 13% of the population participating in this activity. This was closely followed by bicycling with a difference of 1%. (<-- this suggests bicycling was only 1%. I would reword this to '...followed by bicycling at 12%.') Walking and soccer held the most popular activities with 29 % and 17% participation respectively.

During 2009, people changed their activities dramatically. While participation in swimming doubled from 1999, the number of joggers halved. (<-- This is a really good description. You could include the actual percentages here, as well.) The most striking feature is that, in 2009, yoga was completely excluded from the chart and a new activity, weightlifting, was added with a participation of 10%. Bicycling is another activity which increased its popularity by 5%. However, participation in other activities remained fairly consistent.
Hi robin,
It would really help if you included the pie graphs with your answer.
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