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task 2.3

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 8:47 am
by robin20y
Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their work from home instead of working in offices every day. Working from home should be encouraged as it is good for workers and employers.
Agree or disagree?

Telecommuting is a concept which evolved with advancements in information technology. The popularity of this form of employment is getting increased recently. I agreed that telework should be encouraged due to the advantages in this system. Forthcoming part of the study will state this view.

First of all, employers can minimize the financial expenses by promoting telecommuting. For instance, it is widely known that a big company like Infosys needs thousands of employees. Large buildings are necessary to accommodate such an extended workforce. Fortunately, if employees are allowed to work from their home, employers can reduce a fortune required to build large offices. From this it is clear that telecommuting is advantageous to employers.

Similarly employees are also receiving many benefits of being telecommuters. For one, workers can save valuable time required to commute between home and office. For example, in a metro city like New York, people need to travel long hours to work and home often due to traffic problems. However, if those people are prompted to work from their residences, it would be helpful for them to save a great amount of time spent on traffic. As a result, employees can add the saved time to their profession. This is sufficient to clarify that employees are also getting benefited from telecommuting.

To conclude, working from home with the help of internet and computer has more advantages for both employees and employers. Therefore, it is clear that telecommuting is something needs to be promoted for the sake of companies as well as for employees.