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Any "Helppp" on the speed and readability of handwritting

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 3:34 pm
by youngsherlock
Hi, y'all

Time spent on typing 30 min but on handwritting 50 min. Oh!
314 Words
Any suggestions,pls ?


here are the topic:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Modern technology is creating a single world culture.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

I completely agree with the above statement that modern tech helps create a world culture.

How could modern tech like---- say, E-mail or Skype--- not be creating a world culture?

If it is not, what the hell is it?

With the advantage of high tech, communication makes possible everywhere in the word. It does not matter what one’s nationality is, one can talk at great advantages trying to understand each other by using the nature of tech cultural development in hotmail, yahoo, and G-mail.

World culture mean people around the world take for granted of acknowledging what universal cultures are; such as smiling, saying hello, thank you and goodbye, and laughter. And, high-tech people realize these. They create E-mail, a world culture logistics of delivering those caring words and understandings.

Even with two persons based on their inadequacies to have a circle of culture competences—say, one resides in a remote village in Thailand and the other living in Alaska---can figure it out E-Mails are ways to contact each other just like smile, a universal language. So, Emails are a by-product culture of modern tech and a world culture of communicating, too.

Think more about this. If one had to make his living as a businessman, I can’t even think of a median culturally effective enough to do his business across boundaries without Emails. These high-tech sort-outs are the measuring standard of the world civilization. It takes a will. It takes the intelligence, no force at all, for a world culture to be created. Emails have got it all.

But after a while, one would gradually know all about the disadvantage of them as well as the master the arts. E-mails are an attainably objective culture, not subjective one, and must be given enough discipline to use them in right ways. Like people who never play respect to other world cultures or even their own cultures, they won’t rise quite high in life except developing a circle of understanding which results partly from what they were born with and partly from what they develop through their lives.

With these guys, modern techs--creating a world culture or not, are useless, though.

Re: Any "Helppp" on the speed and readability of handwrittin

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:08 pm
by Flick
youngsherlock wrote:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Modern technology is creating a single world culture.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

I completely agree with the above statement that modern technology helps create a single world culture.

How could modern technology like, for example, E-mail or Skype, not be creating a world culture?

If it is not, what the hell is it? (<-- When writing for unknown readers or in a formal setting, it is important to use polite language. You have already asked a question above, so I would delete this question entirely.)

With the advantage of today's technology, instant communication is possible everywhere in the world. It does not matter what one’s nationality is, one can talk to and understand people in other countries by using technologies such as email and Skype.

World culture means people around the world recognize and share universal characterisitics, such as smiling, saying hello, thank you and goodbye, and laughter. (<-- Great examples.) And, people who regularly use technology to communicate realize this. They create E-mail to foster a world culture of delivering caring words and global understanding.

Even with two people on opposite sides of the world and with little knowledge of technology can use Email to contact each other. So, Emails are a by-product of modern tech and a world culture of communicating, too.

Furthermore, if one had to make his living as a businessman, email is an effective way to do business across boundaries such as distance. These high-tech businessmen are setting the standards of world civilization. It takes will. It takes intelligence, not violence, for a world culture to be created. Emails have got it all.

However, one must consider the disadvantages as well as the benefits. E-mails are an impersonal culture, not a personal one, and require discipline and empathy to use them in an appropriate manner. Like people who never pay respect to other world cultures or even their own cultures, they won’t rise high in life except developing a circle of understanding which results partly from what they were born with and partly from what they develop through their lives.

With these guys,(<-- Very casual language.) modern techs--creating a world culture or not, are useless, though. (<-- It is better to come back to the original topic in the conclusion. For example: In conlusion, it is clear that, despite the disadvantages, modern technology is helping to create a single world culture.)