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Re: Regarding Reading Section

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:55 pm
by npr.ielts7
Hello ____,
I employ a different technique for paragraph headings questions. I will not read all paragraphs at once and match the headings. Instead, I concentrate on single paragraph at a time and answer.

For, all other type of questions first i skim the entire passage. while skiming i will underline keywords such as names, dates, places, etc.. And then find keywords in questions and then read only that part of the passage where keywords are underlined

Re: Regarding Reading Section

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:23 am
by delvydavis
Bear in mind that all the answers for the reading test is there in the booklet. Search out, you will find it!

For the paragraph heading, I answer those in the last, where you can pace yourself to find the answers. Another advantage is that, there are other type of questions too to find answers from those paragraphs such as filling gaps, true false, etc. So, by finding out those answers, you will be familiar with paragraphs which will ease your difficulty to find the heading.

Re: Regarding Reading Section

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 4:57 am
by Ryan
Hi ____,

Are you looking for test taking strategies? If so, I am going to be uploading a video in a couple of hours with specific tips on how to engage the reading questions.

If you are more looking for advice on how to increase comprehension, there really isn't a "secret". You should be actively reading every day and noting with pen and paper the different phrasing and vocabulary you encounter.

Re: Regarding Reading Section

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 4:59 am
by Ryan
By the way, NPR and Delvy, great idea making your signatures your latest IELTS results. I hope others think to do the same.

Re: Regarding Reading Section

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:02 am
by ranjeetrkl
match headings in reading module are often difficult due to numerous match informations. Reading paragraph by paragraph and selecting is a one technique. But, i do mostly read first and second sentences of the paragraphs to find headings, as 80 % of headings are in the first 2 sentences. Read the first sentence of the paragraphs and see the headings that will match, if you don't get any matching go to second sentence and you will mostly get the matching.Lastly, if you cant get find the heading in first 2 sentences, read the whole paragraph to find the match.

Re: Regarding Reading Section

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 4:44 pm
by delvydavis

That video is very helpful.