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******Q. who you pefer to work

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 6:39 am
by Johnson zhang

Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.


People work for a variety of companies of different sizes. It is increasingly normal that top companies would poach talents as a strategic move. Although not everyone favours a job from a company that is on the Fortune’s top 500 list, I would choose to work for one of those most respected companies. My choice may relate to my personal goals.

Firstly, many people have chosen to not work for a large company. Inconvenience may be one reason. For instance, when big companies do not offer local jobs, relocation is required which will be difficult especially when there is a family involved. Furthermore, some people's resentment towards those gigantic corporation may be another. For instance, many large companies have multiple layers of management, dealing with the bureaucracies and the politics is common and troublesome.

However, working for a powerful company is expected to advance my career. Along with many other ambitious professionals, I always look for the opportunity to make a great leap forward in my career. Thus, my choice is straightforward if working for a company from the ‘heavy weight’ category is going to polish my career. Besides, the elites would certainly favour the employment from one of those industry-leading businesses. For example, Mr. Ive is now recognised worldwide for his work of brilliance after he joined Apple as an industrial designer.

In conclusion, most people would thoroughly consider all aspects of a job offer. The size of a company is important since it is often seen correlated to its influence in its industry. Depending on personal desire and situation, the choice is both personal and professional.

mildly incoherent


In some people’s opinion, choosing between working for a large corporation and a small company is a dilemma. The preference can vary vastly depending on both professional and personal reasons. It is clear to me that an employment with a company in modest sizes works out better. The opinion is made based on the concerns for workplace efficiency and personal feelings.

Firstly, tasks at a small workplace can get done fast with efficiency. For example, project proposals tend to be passed along and venture to the owner and get a verdict because of much simpler procedures that wouldn’t be possible in a massive company with multiple management levels. It means there would be one less frustration for me working for a small company and developing my best and brightest ideas without being neglected for the most of time. Thus, my choice to sign a contract with a small time business is clear.

Secondly, positive personal feelings towards a company means a lot to me. For instance, I used to work in a retail shop and frequently had after-work drinks in a local pub with the shop owner. The genuine friendship we formed was beyond the workplace relations but reflected the positiveness and hopes I had for the business. Therefore, it is easy to see that why my choice is to work for a relatively small company.

In summary, reasons for my decision are based both professional experience and personalities. It is however viewed that the choice should suit a person’s expectations. Besides, in reality we tend to be the takers rather than the choosers when comes to jobs.

Re: Q. who you pefer to work?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 8:15 am
by Ieltscrazy
Today, there are a number of well known international companies, for example, Google and Apple who (remove who) have been hunting for top talents and attracting the brightest university graduates. I agree that there are a (remove "a") number of reasons why some job seekers to (remove to) choose to work for a (remove a) large corporations, and (put whereas instead of and) some do not. This essay will discuss two prevailing causes.

On the one hand, larger(remove r) businesses can (could)offer more influential opportunities and be more resilient
during its downtime , comparing(compared) to smaller (remove er) ones. For example, Mr. Ive, the chief designer at Apple, single-handedly changed the aesthetic standards in the industrial design for electronics. His brilliant work may not have had the same impact, and its domino effect without Apple’s unworldly influence. For employees like him, working for a sizeable business is clearly the choice to maximise potentials. (what kind of potentials??) Furthermore, the trend that larger (large) companies are more likely to make a comeback than the smaller (small) ones in an economical downtime, can certainly swing people to the preference of( to prefer ) choosing employers from the heavy-weight categories.

On the other hand, it is argued that smaller companies are more likely to offer up-level management( is it up-level management position??) as well as career experience (to whom employees?? or others??). For instance, upon my graduation, I was given the opportunities (opportunity) to be trained and to hone my skills in a medium-sized engineering company. Regarding to the offer, my personal thoughts were that the competition for a position in one of those big players in the industry is fierce, and it might take years before promotion may be available. Therefore, personal situations are the persuasive factors in job seeker’s decisions of choosing the most suitable employer, sometimes it means that smaller is better.

In conclusion, the size of the employer is likely to be thoroughly considered by the people who are looking for a job. Depending on personal ability and experience, the preference vary on a variety of reasons. I personally would choose to work for the most respected company in the world, if given the chance.

Hey dude, I have tried my best and if you notice any mistakes in my corrections, let me know. We are on learning and improving phase and the best thing is to learn from one another. In my observation, your essay should range from 6.5 to 7

keep writing and helping each other.
Plus : Good luck for next exam