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Writing Task 2 - GT

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 5:03 am
by paperheart
People try to change their look by changing the color of their hair, using cosmetics, wearing jewelry or even having a plastic surgery done. Why do you think people do it? Do you think changing your look is a good thing?

It is undeniable that people are constantly bothered and pressured by their social status and that includes physical appearance. Realistically speaking, people tend to judge a book by its cover. For instance, a man who drives a sports car is perceived as a loaded individual. In this case, people would eventually want to give themselves the best as a way of showing their status in the society. This essay will further elaborate on the reasons why people are doing it.

First of all, the main reason why public is concerned over their looks is because they feel that their appearance is not as attractive enough as it should be. This is mainly triggered by the fact that he or she suffers self-low-esteem / confidence. With this, they would opt for anything that helps them to boost up their looks, which would go to the extent of plastic surgery.

Secondly, it is believed that society is more concerned on the physical appearance rather than personality and attitude, which contributes to such trend. This is because the nature of human being that loves and enjoys beautiful creatures and things. Hence, individuals would do whatever it takes to make themselves look decent and perfect. Some would spend millions on jewelleries, accessories and cosmetics just to get ahold of epitome of perfection in them.

In conclusion, I believe that individuals should appreciate and treasure what they were originally given with. Although changing the way you look does help to increase one’s self confidence but the consequences could cause someone’s life like skin infection due to plastic surgeries or heavy make ups.