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City dwellers to not tend to develop close relationship with

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:47 am
by czjflp6560
I am a very new one in this forum. I am going to take IELTS in July. My goal is to reach 6.5. I would be very appreciated of you could give me some comments and score the writting.

Topic: City dwellers to not tend to develop close relationship with their neighbors. Why is this so and what can be done to improve contacts between neighbors within cities?

At the time when we were children, dwellers usually had close relationship with their neighbors. They communicated frequently and knew very well what was going on in their neighbor’s home. They also helped each other when someone had problems. It looked like people lived in a big family. Usually, people like to sit together and talk something they were interested in outside of the building.
Nowadays, the situation, however, has been changed. There is a phenomenon that city dwellers don’t like to make good relationships with their neighbors. They tend to be isolated from peoples around them. The reasons for them to live in this way are followed:
Firstly, modern people like to have flexible personal life. They don’t like to be interrupted by others. Secondly, people are busier and have more stress than early. So they don’t have time to contact with others after whole day work and would like to have time for themselves. Thirdly, people can contact with others without visiting them via multiple ways, such as talking and seeing each other through phone and internet.
In my opinion, dwellers still should have close relationship with their neighbors although it seems not necessary to see each other often. Because people will feel safe and get help when they have difficulties. One the other hand people can learn each other by communication. Although it may take time, people can get benefits from it.