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Gender inequalities

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:04 pm
by minhtrum
Q: Employers should ensure that there are equal numbers of males and females in managerial posts in companies.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Can you give feedbacks for me on this essay please? and a band score if possible.

Despite many attempts to erase it, gender inequality still exists nowadays, especially in the workplace. In order to deal with this problems, many employers are suggested to make the numbers of men and women in managerial posts in their companies equal. Personally, I partially disagree with this idea as the drawbacks exceed the effectiveness.

To begin with, every candidate should be given an impartial opportunity to get the job, thus, equalize the numbers of males and females seem to be unfair. It is obvious that there are more men who work as managers these days and men are widely believed to be better in managing than women. Therefore, if employers decide to adjust the number of men and women in the managing department, many male managers who are proficient at their jobs will have a strong likelihood to be made redundant. Furthermore, their places in the company can be given to another with less experience. This is not only biased but also may worsen business of the company.

Nevertheless, making the numbers of males and females become the same can be useful. Due to the good communication skills, patience as well as emotion control, women are able to easily co-operate with men to work more efficiently. In fact, there are many successful female managers. For examples: CEOs of PepsiCo and HP. Moreover, the weaknesses of both genders can be filled up by the other as they integrate.

In conclusion, I believed that managerial posts in companies do not need to have the same numbers of males and females. Chances should be given fairly to anyone who has the potential and ability to do the managing.