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Essay check please thanks for your help

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:49 pm
by Kitpanc
 Some people believe that to have a successful life you have to have university education, while others think it’s not that important. Discuss both views and give your experience based on personal experience and knowledge..
In the recent past, it is a generally believed that people who receive an university education can provide a short cut for them to achieve their goals in their life. However, opponents suggest that people who without any university degree can have successful life as well. Thus, in regard to these two arguments, it is necessary to analysis both point of views in order to draw a fairly comment on it.
On one hand, it is a fact that people who have an university degree can have some advantages on applying for a professional position. A large proportion of employers tend to employ high educated people in order to cut down the training hours for the staffs. Take a good example of searching for a job in an accounting firm, human resource deportment always puts an eye on those job seekers who graduated from universities because of the theoretical knowledge that they have. As a result, some part of theoretical classes can be removed when the organisations launch the training classes for the new members. Thus, it is utterly beyond doubted that these educated people are having competitive advantages than the lower educated ones when doing the interviews in the new company.
On the other hand, it is true that studying isn't the only path to become successful in the society. Take a good example of Bill Gate who abandoned his studies when he was young for the sake of doing some that he is interested in. Undoubtedly, he has become one of the most riches and successful business man in the world without having high educational background.

In conclusion, it is hard to determine which statement is absolutely bias free. We have to search for the suitable method for ourselves that could lead us to success.

Re: Essay check please thanks for your help

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 3:50 pm
by Kitpanc
Please provide feedback on my essay
I am very appreciated with your helps and time

Re: Essay check please thanks for your help

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:53 am
by collegehelpone
It is really a very nice topic which you have described. As you are confused on the different way of carrier and their different opinions on university and degree course. But I have to confirm you that in your life success is not belongs to your university and degree certificates it belongs to how dedicated you about your carrier. University or degree certificates are only allowing you to get higher level carrier not to get success. The real key for success is talent. You must find out where you have best talents and select that way as your carrier to get success. Above all if you have more doubt then you may take help from others like web sites as