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IELTS GT on 7th June 2014

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 5:16 am
by pumbaa_g
Hi all,

I gave the GT Exam in India yesterday and would like to share some details around it

Reading was easy apart from the last section which was related to Ants in Australia. This is the only section which had True/False & Not Given Option. However, there was a new type of question in reading this time (I may be wrong but I have not seen anything similar in the forums or practice tests) the question asked to select the most suitable heading for the whole write up about ants. I was able to eliminate 2 options as these were not related to the topic had a tough time selecting between the two options.

Listening was easy as well, only challenging section was section 3 last part. This was a conversation between a College Professor & Student regarding a thesis. The first few questions were easy but the second part which discussed Toll Roads I found to be really tough. 3 Options were provided A Student (John) B Professor Brown c Both however, the conversation went back and forth so many times it was impossible to remember who was for what.

Writing was still OK, Task 1 topic was writing a letter to your friend who wants your advice on starting an import export business 1. Suggest a product from your country 2. Where in your country the product is manufactured 3. Why should your friend import this product.
Task 2 topic was role of schools in educating children about their health, agree or disagree

I was told that the Academic Reading was brutal by a friend who attended.

Best of luck!

Re: IELTS GT on 7th June 2014

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:55 am
by alihsa8
i attended the academic exam in Saudi Arabia and had the same listening test like you
the listening test was pretty easy in all of its parts, especially the last one , i found it interesting and easy

the reading was REALLY tough

Re: IELTS GT on 7th June 2014

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:31 am
by pumbaa_g
In that question, the first one was it A John Student B Professor Brown or C Both? I guessed that one :P

Re: IELTS GT on 7th June 2014

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:28 pm
by atmahesh
the last line of that conversation was tricky one...when guy said that he agree on her disagreement :)

Re: IELTS GT on 7th June 2014

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:54 pm
by alihsa8
yes he said "we have to agree to disagree then"

Re: IELTS GT on 7th June 2014

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 1:53 pm
by pumbaa_g
Hope everyone gets the score that they were looking for!

Re: IELTS GT on 7th June 2014

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:25 pm
by atmahesh
I am lil confused.

so what should be the answer --A or C for the last part?

A right?

Re: IELTS GT on 7th June 2014

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:54 pm
by pumbaa_g
As per above yes ;)

Re: IELTS GT on 7th June 2014

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 3:06 pm
by Pubudub
Hi Guys,

IELTS GT writing T1 and T2 was as follows;

Task 1 Suggest a product from your country , where in your country the product is manufactured why should your friend import this product.
Task: 2 Role of schools in educating children about their health, agree or disagree


Re: IELTS GT on 7th June 2014

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 7:58 am
by atmahesh
did you address task2 to as problem/solution or opinion essay?

Re: IELTS GT on 7th June 2014

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:04 am
by pumbaa_g
I mixed it up, gave an opinion with some suggestions that can improve the situation :)

Re: IELTS GT on 7th June 2014

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:03 am
by ongandy86
I think the exam on June 7th was harder than my first exam back in 2012 especially the listening.
The map part requires real analytical skills. The scientific pigeon requires even more mastication to get the very essence and meaning. That guy with robotic Australian accent and fast speaking makes it worse.

GT question 1 for me is about how do I excuse myself in submitting my assignment in a class. What reason and when and how do I do to submit it.
Question 2 is about how similar are our cultures is and is it a good or bad thing.

Wish all the best to all June 21 examinees!