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Please help improve my essay

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:34 am
by saqibali
Some countries make it illegal to work past the age of 65. Do you think people should be forced to retire at a certain age?

The relationship between working capabilities and age of people has been under research for past many years. As a result of these studies, many advanced countries have imposed legal restrictions on work permits of people older than 65.It is argued that the forced retirement should also consider specific capabilities of each person against the specific key demands of his job description, individually. Below I am elaborating on my opinion.

Some people perform exceptionally good for particular positions at their older age. A lot of positions require only an experienced insight rather an enthusiastic and energetic personality. For example, prime minister of a country only advises his decision to his ministers rather administer a stupid staff. Similarly, advisors working in multinational companies only provide their expert opinion to problems of the company. Pertinently, such insight is derived from lifelong experiences, which, only an old person can deliver. A well-known author, Barkley, has concluded from his search that the 90 percent of best authors are old age people. Hence some particular roles can be performed by experienced old people only and forced retirement should not be imposed on old people for such jobs.

On the other side, old people cannot be a good fit for some particular roles. For instance, a manager faces some tough situations where he is required to make quick decision and hence strong nerve systems as well a strong intelligence level is required, which, an old person lack. Similarly, some roles like construction filed management require a mixture of extensive physical work in addition to mental work, which an old person lacks. Clearly, an old person can never be a good fit for such roles. The Washington Post published a report, which, graphically demonstrated that old people perform far below than acceptance level for physically demanding roles. Hence, inadequacy of old people for some particular roles can be seen and hence a forced retirement for such roles can be justified.

After analyzing both sides of the picture, it is clear that old people are ideal for some roles while they are inadequate for some opposite nature roles. Therefore, it is recommended that governments should also consider particular nature of job as well as capabilities of people on individual levels. Such sort of merit system will help fit best person for each job.

Re: Please help improve my essay

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 9:01 pm
by Flick
saqibali wrote:Some countries make it illegal to work past the age of 65. Do you think people should be forced to retire at a certain age?

The relationship between working capabilities and age has been under research for many years. As a result of these studies, many countries have imposed legal restrictions on work permits for people older than 65. It is argued that forced retirement should also consider the specific capabilities of each person against the key demands of his job description, individually. Below I am elaborating on my opinion.(<-- Reword to: The following essay will analyze this argument.)

Some people perform exceptionally well in particular positions even at an older age. A lot of positions require experienced insight rather than an enthusiastic and energetic personality. For example, the prime minister of a country advises his ministers of his decisions rather than administering a stupid staff. Similarly, advisors working in multinational companies only provide their expert opinion regarding the problems of the company. Pertinently, such insight is derived from lifelong experience, which only an older person can deliver. A well-known author, Barkley, has concluded from his research that the top 90 percent of successful authors are of an older age. Hence some particular roles can be performed by experienced old people only and forced retirement should not be imposed on old people for such jobs.

On the other side, old people cannot be a good fit for some roles. For instance, a manager faces some tough situations where he is required to make quick decisions and hence a strong nervous system as well a high level of intelligence is required, which an old person may lack. Similarly, some roles, like construction field management, require a mixture of extensive physical work in addition to mental work, which an old person is unable to do. Clearly, an old person can never be a good fit for such roles. The Washington Post published a report which graphically demonstrated that old people perform far below the accepted level for physically demanding roles. Hence, inadequacy of old people for some particular roles can be seen and hence a forced retirement for such roles can be justified.

After analyzing both sides of the picture, it is clear that old people are ideal for some roles while they are inadequate for other, more physically demanding roles. Therefore, it is recommended that governments should also consider the particular nature of the job as well as the capabilities of people on individual levels. This type of merit system will help find the best fit for each person.

Re: Please help improve my essay

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:32 am
by trevorlombard
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