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Damien P.
Posts: 43
Joined: Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:25 pm


Post by Damien P. »

Hey everybody!

This is going to be rather synthetic, since I am better at presenting others than myself.
I am Damien, 21, French student with a BA in Applied Languages (English and Italian). I am intending to study in the UK next year.
Since my application has been conditionally accepted, I will pass my IELTS in 28 days!
I love science and international relations, especially defence and military issues.

I like raw humour, heroic, classic and rock music, with a little preference for Judas Priest at the very moment.

Good night and delighted to join the community! :D
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Re: Newcomer

Post by Ryan »

Thanks for the background, Damien. Very nice to meet you.

What IELTS band are you targeting? And have you taken the IELTS before?

Your post reminds me of a friend of mine (also French) that had a knack for languages. Between the ages of 21 and 25, he learned Chinese (Mainland putonghua), Cantonese and functional Korean! It looks as though you are on a similar path towards polyglottism. ;)
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Damien P.
Posts: 43
Joined: Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:25 pm

Re: Newcomer

Post by Damien P. »

Thank you :)

This is the first time I am taking the test, and I am aiming at a 7.
I agree with you! As opposed to what is often thought, I think that languages are like mechanics or engineering: sound logical bases with many functional exceptions. Accents, slang and idiomatic expressions all have a logical reason to be, and it can be extremely interesting to master them.
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