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Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 2:01 pm
by aprodigy
Topic: The invention of new technology will make people’s life far more complex than simple. Do u agree or not
In today’s world, the widespread of modern technology inventing is on the increase. Some people believe that this trend seems to make our life more complex rather than simple. From my point of view, I totally agree with this
One of the most drawbacks which technology invention cause is that human being depends much more on advanced machine. In fact, living in a fast-paced life, most labourers should work with machine gradually and even cooperate with some of them. It is reasonable to say that if there is an electrical power cut in paper factory, the manufacturing process will not complete. As a result, surely the counterproductive of made paper will give a drop. Additionally, human is likely to dealt a large number of accidents which might happen when modern applications are used
Another disadvantage of this trend is that people are likely to be less creative in a technological environment. This is because technology might be replaced to solve several problems in our life nowadays. For instance, Microsoft Word 2007 is a software which helps users check grammar and spelling when they text the passage. Because of that, more and more people are losing the natural ability of spelling or handwriting. Furthermore, young generation will not have critical thinking as they used to because they used modern technology as a useful tool to explore the new horizon
To put in a nut shell, I am penning down to say that, we can not deny that technology plays an important role in the process of globalization. Nevertheless, our daily life is becoming more confused by its development.
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Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 7:08 am
by Flick
aprodigy wrote:Topic: The invention of new technology will make people’s life far more complex than simple. Do u agree or not

In today’s world, the invention and improvements to modern technology is on the increase. Some people believe that this trend seems to make our life more complex rather than simple. From my point of view, I totally agree with this.

One of the biggest drawbacks which technological inventions cause is that human beings depend much more on advanced machinery. In fact, living in a fast-paced life, most labourers have towork with machinery. It is reasonable to say that if there is an electrical power cut in paper factory, the manufacturing process will not be completed. As a result, surely the counterproductive of made paper will give a drop.(<-- I don't understand this sentence.) Additionally, the number of accidents that occur due to technology has been steadily increasing.

Another disadvantage of this trend is that people are likely to be less creative in a technological environment. This is because technology might be used instead of our brains to solve several problems in our life nowadays. For instance, Microsoft Word 2007 is software which helps users check grammar and spelling when they write text. Because of that, more and more people are losing the natural ability of spelling and handwriting. Furthermore, younger generations will notdevelop critical thinking as they used to because they rely on modern technology as a useful tool to explore new horizons.

To sum up, we can not deny that technology plays an important role in the process of globalization. Nevertheless, our daily life is becoming more complicated by its development.
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