Task 2 > Extinction of species. Could you review it please?

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Damien P.
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Task 2 > Extinction of species. Could you review it please?

Post by Damien P. »

Hey, I just finished this essay.
Could you review it and let me know its value?

Thank you a lot :)

Many species of animals and plants are in danger of becoming extinct. What are the causes of this problem, and what can be done to prevent it from happening?

More than ever in history, our ecosystem has been undergoing dramatic changes and many animal or vegetal species are threatened. What are the causes of this phenomenon, and their possible solutions?

It is generally agreed that the progressive extinction of a humongous number of living species is due to global warming and human activity. First, industrial activities as well as urban traffic and domestic consumption of energy induce pollution. The latter then causes global warming, desertification and climate change. While human activity is a rather indirect reason for the extinction of species in this case, agricultural and animal over-exploitation directly lead to environmental disasters. Indeed, the destruction of ancient forests for industrial, urban and timber-production purposes endangers many animal species that live there. Furthermore, abusive fishing or hunting for business reasons will greatly reduce the number of surviving species by the end of the century. Fur or ivory are clear examples of items targeted and sold by smugglers.

In order to avoid such damages, the society obviously ought to be more responsible and environmentally “educated”. Besides paying attention to our own consumption behaviours at home as well as on the road, it would be preferable for our energy to be produced in a more sustainable way. Hence the strong need to invest in research for new and clean energies. Then, timber should be produced using specifically planted forests instead of old African or Amazonian ones. Finally, international or governmental regulations could be very helpful regarding the enforcement of these previous solution, as to avoid abusive fishing and illegal trade of animal parts.

Our ecosystem is essential to our own survival and to our planet. Thus, it must be preserved from ramping up global warming and human activity, thanks to everyone’s responsibility.
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