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GT Writing Task 2 - Your comments please

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 2:06 pm
by Somnil
What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Due to technological advancement our world has become virtually boundary less and, as a result, we are frequently interacting with people from different cultural background. In such a scenario, the most important skill that a person should learn in order to be successful in today’s world is working in diverse culture.

Firstly, let us take the case of students who go to foreign countries for studies. An understanding of the culture of the inhabitants would help the student to quickly mingle with the natives and this would help in building a good rapport and friendship. The sooner a foreign student is accepted amongst the native, the better for her to succeed in her endeavours. Moreover, the chances of inadvertently hurting the sentiments of locals could be avoided once their tastes and habits are well known to the foreign students. A misunderstanding of cultural habits and preferences could lead to irreparable damages that may prove to be costly to foreign students for their future career.

The second most important advantage of learning this skill can be directly related to the art of managing diversity. This happens to be a hot topic with most of the leaders in today’s world, as they are challenged with a work force who hail form diverse background. A successful leader should be able to closely understand the mind of his workforce, who may respond in different ways to the same task assigned to them, as each employee would have their own set of working culture. With a cosmopolitan corporate set up as present day rule, it would be hard for any leader to maintain homogeneity in their workforce. Therefore, successful leaders will be those who would manage a diverse workforce efficiently and effectively.

As the world shrinks and becomes flat day by day, thanks to internet and information technology, we engage more and more with people who are geographically dispersed whom we may not know and might have never seen. Success, can then be achieved, by appropriately communicating with the stranger, keeping in mind his culture, back ground and history.

(344 words)