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IELTS writing task 2-help editing

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 1:54 am
by lykhzy
Popular events like the Football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tension and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way

Nowadays, whether international sporting events such as the Football World cup play an important role in lessening (alleviate, relieve) international intense relationship and releasing nationalistic emotions sparked off a heated discussion. In my opinion, international sports events indeed help promote international friendship and therefore ease tension mainly because of mutual understanding of different culture and national pride built from the sports events while negative effects such as conflicts between two countries intrigued by the games still cannot be ignored

Popular sports events are able to enhance mutual understanding across various nations, thereby alleviating tensions between two conflicting countries. It is widely acknowledged that mutual understanding serves as a cornerstone of developing good relationships, which further drives a nation’s development in terms of economy or technology. A convincing example is that the relationship between South Korea and North Korea was in an intense relation due to politics issues before 2004 Athens Olympic game. However, after 2004 Olympic game, South Korea is no longer the enemy of North Korea.
Instead, they build a long-term relationship regarding how to develop national defense together or how to establish international trade business by cooperation as the sports events help them eradicate their conflicts and make them united. This in turn advances their economic progress in the future.

Furthermore, famous sports events create a opportunity for people to express patriotic emotions while still build a sense of national proud. It is true that a deep sense of national proud of citizen serves a fundamental function of becoming a strong country. This kind of national proud is deepened when they are watching sports events and then yelled at the team they support in order to express their patriotic emotions. For example, Brazil is the country which represents poverty, civil unrest and high crime rates. But Brazilian untied together to cheer for their teams when the football world cup is held every four years since football is the symbol of the whole Brazilia. They are proud of themselves to be a Brazilian regardless of whether they are living in a society that is full of upheaval or not.

However, it is undeniable that unavoidable conflicts are likely to be caused by international sports event. This is especially true when people consider the fact that one country fight against another country after losing the games or one party being treated as unfair judgment during the game. As a result, international relations are degenerated rather than smoothing tension. At the same time, people are likely to express their patriotic emotions in a wrong way such as attacking other countries with vulgar words. More worse, cooperation in areas like tourism, international trade are terminated because of the deteriorating relations between the two countries led by sports event, which in turn affects two countries’ future economy sustainable development.

In conclusion, no one can deny the fact that conflicts might be aroused during the games. However, I still believe that tension could be eased and patriotic emotions could be expressed in a safe way because international sporting occasions promote mutual understanding of different cultures and develop people’s sense of national pride.

Re: IELTS writing task 2-help editing

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 2:15 am
by Srushti
in my view, the essay is very long more than 500 words. It should be minimum 250 and maximum 265 to 270 words.