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Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you assess my writing please?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:06 pm
by Damien P.
Hey everyone!

Since my test is coming soon, I am preparing Tasks 1 and 2 together, now.
Could you please let me know which band level I could approximately get with such a writing?
Indeed, I am aiming at a 8. Do you think it is doable with that kind of work?

I transcripted everything from paper without correcting my vocabulary mistakes, since I don't want to fool anybody nor myself.

Thank you in advance! :)

Task 1

The pie chart and the table describe the causes and the consequences of land degradation all over the world, and more precisely in three regions, during the nineties. We can clearly see that the main reasons for land degradation are few but influential.

First, the pie chart shows the causes of worldwide land degradation without giving details about the time period, however. The wide majority of environmental harm is caused by three factors: 35% by over-grazing, while deforestation represents 30% and over-cultivation makes 28%. Thus, these three human activities have a roughly equal influence on the environment.

Second, the table provides us with details about the percentage of land degraded during the 1990s by the main causes described above, in North America, Europe and Oceania. While Europe is by far the most impacted region with 23% of total land degraded, Oceania and Northern America got better results, with 13% and 5% respectively.

In conclusion, both these statistical documents teach us that human activity is the main cause for the damaging of healthy land.

173 words

Task 2

Educating children has always been a very sensitive issue, which becomes even harder to handle when it comes to moral education. While many responsibilities are put on the shoulders of official institutions like schools, do parents still have a strong role to play?

It is commonly said that school is the place to learn life, a sort of miniaturised society in which children can grow up together. Thus, it is not surprising that they have a two-fold mission: to provide pupils with raw theoretical knowledge on the one hand, and to teach them how to live in harmony on the other. Moreover, it is sometimes argued that being a good member of society is relative to the aforementioned society and its values. Hence the need for a standardised education that school can provide, as opposed to families. Despite this apparent homogeneity provided by institutions, do they really teach all the necessary knowledge to their students?

There is in fact a drawback to the official education: it does not teach all the essential values to children, but parents can. Morally, some lessons have to be taught by parents themselves, since children often take their elders as an example. Values such as respect, tolerance and open-mindedness can be learnt at school, but they will always need further rootening in the family environment. The latter becomes more important in backgrounds in which children cannot access schools automatically. We can take the examples of isolated or poor areas. In that case, parents are among the only models for a child’s identity and moral construction.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that mainly parents should teach children how to act as proper members of society, since they represent both an example and a point of reference for the youngest ones.

294 words

Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you assess my writing ple

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:02 pm
by Chi
Hi Damien,

Here are few of my comments on your task 1. I am not commenting on your language ability because I feel it is your stronger point. However, in my opinion there is some inaccuracy in your interpreting of data and some missing information.
The pie chart and the table describe the causes and the consequences of land degradation all over the world, and more precisely in three regions, during the nineties. We can clearly see that the main reasons for land degradation are few but influential.
I don't think there is information about consequences of land degradation provided. The consequences could be anything, such as loss in productivity, and there is no such information on the chart or the table.

I wouldn't use the word "precisely" here because it seems implying that the worldwide figures are not so accurate.

Try to avoid using first person pronounces in report writing. Instead of "We can clearly see", you can change it to "It is clear that..." or "It is apparent that..."
Second, the table provides us with details about the percentage of land degraded during the 1990s by the main causes described above, in North America, Europe and Oceania. While Europe is by far the most impacted region with 23% of total land degraded, Oceania and Northern America got better results, with 13% and 5% respectively.
As for the table, you missed mentioning the impacts of each factors on each region. I think the majority of information in that table was omitted and that might affect your task achievement.

Hope that helps.


Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you assess my writing ple

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:08 am
by cranford cliff
here are some comments on task 2:
you have a strong opinion on this topic , so why not make that clear in the introduction?
The instructions do not say : discuss both sides and then give your opinion,
and an essay is much more coherent if the position is clear at the beginning.
Why ask rhetorical or unanswered questions?
You have two of them in your essay, and neither are necessary. They add nothing to your answer.

' Aforementioned ' is legalese or archaic
moral construction is not a good collocation
rooting /or cementing rather than rootening
you cannot teach/learn knowledge - these are incorrect collocations.
'access education easily' is better than 'automatically'.

As the previous poster comments, you have a very good command of English ,
but sometimes it is better not to reach for 'complex' vocabulary which may be used inappropriately.

Comment on task 1: agree with above poster that your interpretation of the data is weak.
You should make some comparisons; eg land degradation in Oceania is mainly caused by over-grazing, whereas in Europe the main cause is de-forestation.....

Good luck

Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you assess my writing ple

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 12:13 pm
by Damien P.
Many thanks to both of you! :)
I took notes about each point and I will apply them for my next writing task.

I know it is not easy for non-marker members to assess an essay, nor recommended, but what in your opinion is the grade this essay would get?
Indeed, I will work on correcting these flaws by next Saturday, but I am not sure about getting my task response perfect neither.

Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you assess my writing ple

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 1:43 am
by cranford cliff
Hence the need for a standardised education that school can provide, as opposed to families.
just noticed, this is not a proper sentence, but a clause .
Sentences need at least a subject and a controlling verb.
You could say : 'Hence, there is a need for a standardised education that school can provide, and families cannot'

Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you assess my writing ple

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 8:59 am
by Damien P.
I actually read some examples in the past, in which we could put clauses without verbs as a conclusion.
I think this is more discursive than 100% gramatically correct.

For example, "...Arguments... Hence our vote against the report."
or "Hence the desirability of having formal meetings.".
These are taken from UN and EU official websites.
Despite that, you are right. Markers will primarily assess formal grammar, so let's avoid such misuses.