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Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you please give comments?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:11 pm
by Damien P.
Good afternoon!

Once again, I come to you with a written part I did in 1h, in preparation for my IELTS next Saturday.
Could you please give me comments?
Since I'm aiming at a band 8, I really want to improve my writing in every possible way.

Thank you in advance :)


These two diagrams describe in details the cement-making process and the use of cement in the production of concrete. It is noticeable that cement and concrete productions both require a certain number of ingredients and processing stages.

First, cement is initially composed of limestone and clay. After being transformed into powder by a crusher, both materials are mixed and then heated in a rotating heater. Finally, the warmed mixture passes through a grinder and generates cement that can be packed for further use.

Second, the cement produced thanks to the production process described above, takes part in the making of concrete. In order to produce concrete for building purposes, the volume of a concrete mixer must be composed of a quarter of sand, a half of gravel, a tenth of water and fifteen percent of cement.

In conclusion, it is deducible that both these production processes are strongly bound and cannot exist separately.

153 words


Since the first global petrol crisis in the 1970’s, the price of petrol has been on the rise, and has reached levels never seen before. This skyrocketing increase goes along with growing concerns for the environment and urban life, mainly because of the rise in population and vehicles. While increasing the price of petrol is firstly said to be a viable solution by some, I personally believe that this method is not the best one, and that other measures might be more efficient.

It is true that increasing the price of petrol has a few short-term advantages. I reduces traffic and encourages drivers to share cars or take public transports, since they might represent cheaper means of travelling. Traffic is hence reduced as well as public maintenance and infrastructure fees. This money might consequently be used for innovative projects and to encourage firms to innovate. Indeed, as the latter see their customers buying less cars, innovating should be among their number one priorities.

Nonetheless, an increase in the price of gas is, in my opinion, inefficient on a longer term. Most drivers still need their cars on a daily basis to work, and thus they would be forced to use them. A rise in the price of petrol could then result in impoverished consumers that would afterwards need to economise on other commodities, like buying a more economic and more expensive electric car. In order to avoid such a situation in which consumers are constrained to choose polluting products, making environment-friendly technologies cheaper and subsidising them could be a first solution. Therefore, people could be financially and politically encouraged to adopt ‘safer’ and ‘cleaner’ vehicles, as hydrogen or electric motors for instance. A second solution, on which many aspects of life are relying, is education. It is up to everybody to preserve the environment by improving their behaviours.

In conclusion, I think that despite its short-term effects, increasing the price of petrol is not a good solution on the long run, compared to innovation, education and subsidisation of ‘green technologies’.

334 words

Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you please give comments?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:53 pm
by Cherilab
Damien P. wrote:Good afternoon!

Once again, I come to you with a written part I did in 1h, in preparation for my IELTS next Saturday.
Could you please give me comments?
Since I'm aiming at a band 8, I really want to improve my writing in every possible way.

Thank you in advance :)


These two diagrams describe in details the cement-making process and the use of cement in the production of concrete. It is noticeable that cement and concrete productions both require a certain number of ingredients and processing stages.

First, cement is initially composed of limestone and clay. After being transformed into powder by a crusher, both materials are mixed and then heated in a rotating heater. Finally, the warmed mixture passes through a grinder and generates cement that can be packed for further use.

Second, the cement produced thanks to the production process described above, takes part in the making of concrete. In order to produce concrete for building purposes, the volume of a concrete mixer must be composed of a quarter of sand, a half of gravel, a tenth of water and fifteen percent of cement.

In conclusion, it is deducible that both these production processes are strongly bound and cannot exist separately.

153 words


Since the first global petrol crisis in the 1970’s, the price of petrol has been on the rise, and has reached levels never seen before. This skyrocketing increase goes along with growing concerns for the environment and urban life, mainly because of the rise in population and vehicles. While increasing the price of petrol is firstly said to be a viable solution by some, I personally believe that this method is not the best one, and that other measures might be more efficient.

It is true that increasing the price of petrol has a few short-term advantages. I reduces traffic and encourages drivers to share cars or take public transports, since they might represent cheaper means of travelling. Traffic is hence reduced as well as public maintenance and infrastructure fees. This money might consequently be used for innovative projects and to encourage firms to innovate. Indeed, as the latter see their customers buying less cars, innovating should be among their number one priorities.

Nonetheless, an increase in the price of gas is, in my opinion, inefficient on a longer term. Most drivers still need their cars on a daily basis to work, and thus they would be forced to use them. A rise in the price of petrol could then result in impoverished consumers that would afterwards need to economise on other commodities, like buying a more economic and more expensive electric car. In order to avoid such a situation in which consumers are constrained to choose polluting products, making environment-friendly technologies cheaper and subsidising them could be a first solution. Therefore, people could be financially and politically encouraged to adopt ‘safer’ and ‘cleaner’ vehicles, as hydrogen or electric motors for instance. A second solution, on which many aspects of life are relying, is education. It is up to everybody to preserve the environment by improving their behaviours.

In conclusion, I think that despite its short-term effects, increasing the price of petrol is not a good solution on the long run, compared to innovation, education and subsidisation of ‘green technologies’.

334 words

In TASK 1: you are expected to write at least 150 words.

In the FIRST PARAGRAPH (INTRODUCTION): you restate only the task description
The diagrams show the processes and the equipments used to make cement, and how these are used to produce concrete for building purposes.

Paragraph 2: this is the overall trend. Give general description on how the process operates.
Paragraph 3 and 4: DETAILS. Describe the processes in a logical order. Highlight what is
first, next and last as well as the SIMULTANEOUS EVENTS.

*please be informed that we do not write CONCLUSION in TASK 1.

Task 2: I NOTICED THAT YOUR ESSAY CONSISTS MORE THAN THE WORD LIMIT which is 250-280 words, enough to express your thought.

I believe it is an OPINION ESSAY.
For INTRO: give overview of the topic or rephrase the essay question. Include also your STAND ( like what you have done)

Paragraph 2: talk about the FIRST ARGUMENT. Give one reason to support the writer's stand then EXPLAIN.

Paragraph 3: is where you talk about the SECOND ARGUMENT. Give another reason to support the writer's stand then explain.

Paragraph 4: CONCLUSION. Summarize the main points. Rephrase the opinion as well as give RECOMMENDATIONS.

Use suitable expressions is an excellent way to begin your paragraph as this indicates a purpose.

I hope I gave valuable information.



Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you please give comments?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:35 pm
by Damien P.
Thank you!

Indeed, my first body paragraph for Task 2 could easilly by replaced by my 1st argument, since there are many words in the essay.
That being said, I hope it was clear my essay was an opinion one! :p

Except from a linear description in Task 1, do you know other viable structures for the information? In that case, both processes are not simultaneous, and there is no similarity (Except for the fact cement is used to produce concrete, and this is indicated in the introduction).
As you said, I should've used "Overall" instead of "In conclusion" at the end of the essay, some of my verbal tics :)

Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you please give comments?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:03 pm
by Cherilab
Damien P. wrote:Thank you!

Indeed, my first body paragraph for Task 2 could easilly by replaced by my 1st argument, since there are many words in the essay.
That being said, I hope it was clear my essay was an opinion one! :p

Except from a linear description in Task 1, do you know other viable structures for the information? In that case, both processes are not simultaneous, and there is no similarity (Except for the fact cement is used to produce concrete, and this is indicated in the introduction).
As you said, I should've used "Overall" instead of "In conclusion" at the end of the essay, some of my verbal tics :)

Hi again!

I think you got me wrong when I said that WE DO NOT WRITE
CONCLUSION IN TASK 1. What I was trying to say is that, there should be NO conclusion in task 1. Only in task 2.
I hope you get me right now.

All the best!


Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you please give comments?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:13 pm
by Damien P.
I understood you right, then :)
However, I've read in some preparatory material (notably on Road to IELTS and Ielts-Exam, for instance) and official corrections that we can finish a Task 1 by stating the overall trend of the schemes/lines/graphs.
For this one, I think the important thing is to keep a logical reasoning in all situations.

Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you please give comments?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:19 pm
by Cherilab
Okay then:) well as for me, I write the OVERALL TREND in paragraph 2, basing it from the book I used. If that's what your reference tells you then you can consider them.

Thank you;)

Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you please give comments?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:23 pm
by Damien P.
Your solution is indeed very good too, since you use the second para to give details about similarities.

Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you please give comments?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:31 pm
by Cherilab
Yes and it was what I used when I got 7 as band score ;)

Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you please give comments?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:44 pm
by Damien P.
You got such a good score and still have to retake it? :o
How come? Did they ask you to get 8?

Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you please give comments?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:49 pm
by Cherilab
Hehe no I am finally saying goodbye to IELTS. I got my desired bandscore already.

Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you please give comments?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:47 pm
by Damien P.
Congratulations mate! :D
I must admit that even though I love this forum, I would rather sit and get my exam as soon as possible.

Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you please give comments?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:31 pm
by Cherilab
Thanks Damien! Guess I am having some separation anxiety from this forum that is why I visit here every now and then.

Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you please give comments?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:42 am
by itsdeepesh
Liked it.
Few points, which I read somewhere, may help you -
1. In Para-3-Task 2 - Instead of "inefficient", it should be inefficient solution.
2. It could have been better to cut short the length of 3rd paragraph, as it was just detailing same idea. The additional time can be used as using rephrasing some additional sentences and reviewing whole essay.
3. Using phrase - "more economic and more expensive electric car" is ambigious.

Good luck for Band 8 !!


Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you please give comments?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:32 am
by johnsky
If you are looking to get band 8, this is probably not the place to assess your writing score. You need professional assessors to view your work. Here in the forum, we can only give you advice, grammar mistake it's not wise to guess on scores. Both tasks look fine, but remember to keep things simple !

Re: Tasks 1 and 2 Academic - Could you please give comments?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:33 am
by Damien P.
Thank you all :)

I will try and give some of my last tasks to an assessor if I find one (IELTS is not a common thing for students in France, since most people do not leave the country to study or work).