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Wirting task format

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 5:37 am
by napster371
Hello Everyone,

I am new to IELTS, and saw many instructions on Writing task 1 and 2 for GT .
However i am still confused with format of writing task 1 and 2. Can anyone please explain the format of Writing Task 1 & 2 for General Training module.

Format meaning that, for instance if the WT-2 is agree/disagree or its is discussion essay than how many paragraphs should be considered and number of lines in each paragraph should be considered?

Looking forward for the response.

Thanks! :-)

Re: Wirting task format

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 6:18 am
by argho1985
napster371 wrote:Hello Everyone,

I am new to IELTS, and saw many instructions on Writing task 1 and 2 for GT .
However i am still confused with format of writing task 1 and 2. Can anyone please explain the format of Writing Task 1 & 2 for General Training module.

Format meaning that, for instance if the WT-2 is agree/disagree or its is discussion essay than how many paragraphs should be considered and number of lines in each paragraph should be considered?

Looking forward for the response.

Thanks! :-)

For task 1: Intro para should be the purpose of letter and then paragraphs explaining what the question is asking.. for example. if question has 3 points which needs to be covered then there should be there para. Closing sentence should be there in the letter.

For task 2: Normally, essay should have 4 paragraphs , first: intro then 2 supporting paragraphs with your reasoning and one conclusion.

All the best


Re: Wirting task format

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 6:29 am
by napster371

Thanks Argho.

For writing task 2: if the question is Agree/Disagree then the format remains same of 4 para?
1- intro
2- Support question by answer and example
3- Support question by answer and example
4- Conclusion
