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IELTS Reading: Match the headings strategy

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 8:51 pm
by ashftc
Hello Ryan,

Thank you for such wonderful work. You're doing a great job over YouTube and other sources and I've been following your tips. I have previously given IELTS. My score was:

Listening: 8.0
Reading 6.5
Writing: 6.5
Speaking: 8.0

I have given my last IELTS test 2 years ago without a single hour preparation. Even wrose, I wasn't even aware about the structure of IELTS components and the types of question I'll face. I am quite confident (still working hard) on Listening and Speaking section. My main concerns are Writing and more importantly, Reading. I heard few of other candidates podcast where they share the strategy of not reading the whole passage for passage 1 and 2 and skim the passage to find the relevant answers as quick as possible.

My question it is practical to practice this strategy in find the missing words, MCQ's, True, False and Not Given. But what should be done when it comes to match the heading? In the reading section, my only enemy is time scarcity and that's where I struggle and start messing up. I am good in reading section for General mode of IELTS but when it comes to Academic, things started getting on nerves. Please Help! Many Thanks.

Re: IELTS Reading: Match the headings strategy

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:26 pm
by Ryan
Hi Ashftc,

Thank you for the kind words about my work.

As Vidit and Toby point out, do all other question types before any match the headings. If you do a T/F/NG prior to a match the headings (for example), the T/F/NG will teach you key bits about the passage, and this will greatly aid you in labeling the paragraphs. There is also plenty of merit in the age old strategy of reading the topic sentence and conclusion sentence of each paragraph when trying to decipher general meaning. Topic sentences almost always clearly outline what subject their paragraph contains. Don't forget that 9 times out of 10 the vocabulary in the question will be entirely different from the vocabulary in the passage, so expect to give your synonym recognition a workout. Personally, I teach my in-class students to note broad topics in the margins next to the paragraphs as they progress through the questions. You can couple this strategy with the above, too. So, for example, as you are completing your T/F/NG (or multiple choice or whatever), note in the margin the basic topic you see while finding your T/F/NG answer.

So to summarize:
(1) save heading match questions for last
(2) get a general feel for the passage while completing the other question types
(3) read the topic and concluding sentences of each paragraph
(4) expect to be looking for synonyms
(5) note broad topics in the margin

I hope the above helps. Does anyone else have a strategy to share?

Re: IELTS Reading: Match the headings strategy

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:47 am
by ashftc
Thank you very much for your response Ryan. I highly appreciate it. I clearly remember Toby's and Vidit's tips regarding reading. Infact, before hearing them, I was practicing old school strategy of reading the passage first and then answering the question. Their suggestion gave a new direction to my strategy. I did tried to implement their strategy in one of Cambridge IELTS reading section. I felt good difference in the amount of time that has been consumed but on the other side, the accuracy has been reduced :( First I believed this strategy is not for me; however, later I thought to myself that I should practice more according to Vidit's and Toby's strategy because that's my only hope as my target band is 8. I'd like to ask two questions if you don't mind me asking:

1. Did Toby and Vidit attempted Academic or General IELTS?
2. If I submit my Writing essay on this website, will you check/comment on my essay? I read you'll do so on your description page of YouTube channel.

Regarding your advice in your response to my previous post, I appreciate your sincerity and help which is definitely a great contribution. When you say topic sentence, I believe you mean the first of first couple of sentence in each paragraph of a passage. Kindly correct me if I am wrong.

Re: IELTS Reading: Match the headings strategy

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:18 pm
by sashwin99
I beg to differ. I got a perfect 9 in reading academic, and here's my proven strategy :idea:

- DO NOT read the passage first. Read the questions.
- Skim the passages for answers. If you're stuck, make your best guess.
- "Not enough information" is a very tricky answer to the multiple choice reading questions, again make an intelligent guess if stuck.
- Do not practise for the exam, your mind might become conditioned in a particular fashion.

Re: IELTS Reading: Match the headings strategy

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:02 am
by Ryan
Do not practice? I don't know how someone could hope to improve their mark without practicing.