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help edit my essay about environment damage

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:11 am
by lykhzy
Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people do?

These days, a concerning trend has emerged whereby the environment is damaged by human beings. In my opinion, the major way in which humans exert a negative impact on environment is the air pollution and water pollution and the best way to reverse this trend is to reduce private car use and control toxic water released by factories

The main threat to environment is air pollution such as gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles. This is especially true when people consider the fact that severe air problem has a devasting effect on society because it may trigger global warming. It is widely acknowledge that global warming is an abnormal weather phenomenon that the whole planet would face an extremely schoring hot weather condition. As a result, forest fire would become frequent, which further makes the air contaminated by the smoke stemming from forest fire. At the same time, it is hard to imagine how people can survive without forests since the trees in forests provide humans enough oxgen to breathe.

In addition, water pollution has a negative effect on environment. Generally, these pollutions mainly caused by the waste released by factories or nuclear station underwater. For example, some countries such as North Korean sacrifices environment for developing nuclear trials undersea by way of releasing poisonous waste into the water. Under this circumstance, ocean which plays a key role in ecosystem cycle is vastly destroyed by these waste. Consequently, many sea creatures such as shark, dolphins and turtles are dead of such toxic water.

Therefore, measures such as reduce the private car use should be taken to tackle this problem. It is widely believed that exhaust fumes discharged by private car make air badly polluted. Even worse, the number of private car is soaring due to the improvement of people’s living standards. Hence, government should encourage people’s awareness of the harmfulness intrigued by private car and at the same time increase private car’s price so as to reduce private car deal. From individual’s perspective, they should cooperate with local government through complying with the rules voluntarily. For example, they should replace private cars with public transports voluntarily such as trams or trains in their daily life. Only in this way the situation might improve

Furthermore, waste pollution can be solved by setting relevant rules by the local government. In other words, the local government penalizes the company or factories who do not comply with regulations and pour toxic waste into the water. At the same time, the government should encourage individual to report factories which dump waster from daily production. Besides, the countries that pollute the water by doing nuclear development illegally should be forced to stop from nuclear research by international court regulations. If these steps are taken, waste pollution might be eliminated in the future.

In conclusion, the current situation where air pollution and water pollution is becoming a major problem for people in the world. I think that the best solution to this problem is to limit the private car use, regulate factories waste release and ban nuclear development

Re: help edit my essay about environment damage

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:22 pm
by saqibali
I supposed, its an older post.
Do you still need to correct this essay?