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Edit essay-University Or Work directly

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:14 am
by lykhzy
Some people believe that going to college is the best way to prepare for a successful future career; others think that people should go directly to work after leaving school and earn their experiences in business. Discuss both views and give your opinion

Nowadays, some people claim that going to the university is good for a bright future career while others argue that people should work directly to accumulate working experience once they leave school. In my opinion, it depends on people’s own willingness in terms of which areas they want to work because some fields like professional doctors and lawyers need specialized knowledge and self-study skills to achieve future career success

Advocates of attending university might hold the view that people are able to get knowledge comprehensively and develop the right study skills, which benefits their future career. It is widely acknowledged that lecturers in the college impart people with a more systematic theoretical knowledge. At the same time, tutors in the college teach people self-study skills and how to learn effectively by way of inspiring students to learn instead of cramming knowledge into people’ brain. This kind of learning skill is totally different from teaching methodology in school where students do not need to get the hang of self-study skills. In other words, students in school just do what teachers let they do without thinking independently. A case in point is that it is hard to become a successful doctor or teacher and IT professional without getting a bachelor degree. This is partly because only by building up good theoretical specific knowledge and having self study skills to solve problem independently can one person becomes an expert in one of those areas mentioned above.

However, opponents believe that people should work directly rather than attending the university since work after leaving school can accumulate working experience. It is undeniable that working experience plays an important role in developing future careers since people will become adept in the areas they work if they earn experience for a long time. That is to say, the earlier a person enters a working environment, the more proficient he will be in the fields he works. To illustrate, mechanical workers or repairers have capability of knowing what kind of scenarios would happen with different components installed in the machine. This ability is developed by working experience instead of purely relying on theoretical knowledge. Also, it is easy to experienced workers to detect errors when operating mechanical system, which is regarded as a troublesome task for people without much experience.

In my opinion, whether to attend the university or go directly to work after leaving school depends on the area people prepare to work. If people want to become good doctors, teachers or computer programmers, it is necessary to enter the university to build solid theoretical knowledge. However, if people only want to do blue collar jobs like workers, cleaners and mechanical repairers, working early could earn much experience, which further benefits them in terms of future career prospects