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Writing editing--part time job or full time

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:46 am
by lykhzy
Nowadays, some people tend to take contemporary jobs, for they have the time to do other things. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Nowadays, whether the benefits of people taking part-time job outweigh the drawbacks has sparked off heated discussion. In my opinion, doing part-time job brings about more merits as people are able to arrange their own time they wish.

It is undeniable that there is more total income generated if people take full-time employment. Income benefits, as the basic foundation of company’s remuneration system, contribute to stimulate employees’ working efficiency. Simultaneously, under the perfect income and reward system, employees would feel that they are secured enough. A convincing example is that a pregnant woman is entitled to receive paid maternity leave for around 20 weeks if she is a full-time employee.

However, advocates of part-time jobs claim that it brings people more flexible time in terms of working schedule. That means people have the right to arrange their own working periods without any restrictions stemming from full-time employment regulations. At the same time, this kind of flexibility enables them to spend more quality time with their family, thus tightens the family relationship. Under this circumstance, part-time workers are able to spend time on other important sectors in life, other than working.

In addition, people are the beneficiaries of taking contemporary jobs because part-time jobs are able to provide more working opportunities. This implies that the unemployment rate would be decreasing as the result of part-time jobs provided. More and more people do not find it difficult to find a job any more. Instead, they can survive with a part-time work if they are not able to find a full-time job. At the same time, the increasing employment rate is the driving factor for social stability, which is good for country’s future development.

In conclusion, no one can deny that full-time jobs are associated with tempting total income benefits. Nevertheless, I am convinced that the advantages of taking contemporary jobs like more flexible time and more job chances outweigh the former view.