Please access my writing task 2

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Please access my writing task 2

Post by sktemkar »

There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need
music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the
International music that is heard everywhere nowadays?

Music exists in all cultures of the world and it provides entertainment to millions of people around the world. There is large range of music today, from hard rock to religious music. Every type of music plays an important role in a person’s life. However, some people are concerned about the traditional music is being lost because of the popularity of the international music. My personal belief is that traditional music is important for its people and it should be preserved as the international music has its own importance.

Music is no doubt important and has become necessity. Firstly, it is important because it gives enjoyment and pleasure in daily life. People listen to music to relax at home, to relieve the boredom of long journeys, and to dance to in the evenings at clubs. Not only this, music is an expression of culture, often being the part of our celebrations like religious ceremonies, and yearly festivals. And nowadays music is taught in the schools as a curriculum.

In considering which kind of music is important, international music plays a vital role in understanding and relating the other cultures and people around the world. It is commonly accepted that music is a universal language that unite people around the world. This has occurred because of globalization. Western music is heard all around the world. Nonetheless, it is critical that this is not at the expense of the traditional music. It should be given priority as it helps them to understand their own culture and their history and also helps them to preserve their national and cultural identity.

To conclude, I would argue that one type of music is not more important or useful than another. Traditional music is important to be preserved as it is a part of country’s cultural identity, but both are needed as the provide enjoyment to the people in different ways.
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Re: Please access my writing task 2

Post by masudsust07 »

The inequality between rich and poor nations is now wider than it has ever been before. What do you think are the main causes of this difference and what do you think can be done to reduce the gap?
In today’s world, the developed nations are experiencing greater development than poor nations. Therefore, the differences of various aspects of life in modern countries and least developed countries are increasing day by day. Many factors are responsible for this situation. While lack of proper education system and skilled workforce obstructing overall progress of poor nations, the availability of modern technology helping the developed world to acquire more wealth and better life style.
Firstly, education makes the big differences between rich and poor nations. It is the backbone of a nation. The main agent that brings the prosperity and sustainable development in a country. While developed world utilize their knowledge to better manage natural resources and invent innovation, be sort of up to date education forcing mismanagement of natural assets and even destruction of existing wealth in poor nations. Take for USA and Somalia as example. Highly learned scientist of USA producing biofuel in order to reducing its dependence on importing fuels and savings millions of dollars which they investing in other sectors such as health and transportation. On the other hand, the inexpert and illiterate Somalians are not able to handle its diamond mines and depends on western countries to dealing out it. As a result, they are losing millions of valuable foreign exchanges. Furthermore, political turbulence in many under developing countries hampering development process and also creating problem in proper functioning of the existing industries. For instance, Bangladesh garment industries suffer a huge loss of money every year because of political turmoil. Even this cause shut down of many industries. As a result, the once promising country is lagging behind than other developing counties such as india and china, whose experiencing a boom in economic growth because of political willingness and stability.
However, how this circumstance can solve is a big question. To minimize the gap between rich and poor nations first education system of the poor nations should be improved and more skilled work force should be generated. For this, developed nations should share their knowledge with poor nations. The development of IT sectors and modern technology village in India from the help of USA renowned universities is a prime example of this. In addition to this, the citizens of the poor nations should make political conscious. If this can perform the ever widen difference between developed and under developed can be reduced.
On balance, it is felt that modern technology driven innovation education system and fair governance lead the western world towards more improvement and lack of these in poor nation causing more poverty and hunger. It is hoped that by generating skilled human resources and stabilizing efficient government system in under developed county the inequality can be cutted down .
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Re: Please access my writing task 2

Post by Flick »

sktemkar wrote:There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the International music that is heard everywhere nowadays?

Music exists in all cultures of the world and it provides entertainment to millions of people around the world. There is a large range of music today, from hard rock to religious music. Every type of music plays an important role in a person’s life. However, some people are concerned about traditional music being lost because of the popularity of international music. My personal belief is that traditional music is important for its people and it should be preserved while international music has its own importance.

Music is no doubt important and has become a necessity. Firstly, it is important because it gives enjoyment and pleasure in daily life. People listen to music to relax at home, to relieve the boredom of long journeys, and to dance to in the evenings at clubs. Not only this, music is an expression of culture, often being part of our celebrations like religious ceremonies, and yearly festivals. And nowadays music is taught in schools as part of the curriculum.

In considering which kind of music is important, international music plays a vital role in understanding and relating the other cultures and people around the world. It is commonly accepted that music is a universal language that unites people around the world. This has occurred because of globalization. Western music is heard all around the world. Nonetheless, it is critical that this is not at the expense of the traditional music. Traditional music should be given priority as it helps people to understand their own culture and history and also helps them to preserve their national and cultural identity.

To conclude, I would argue that one type of music is not more important or useful than another. Traditional music is important to be preserved as it is a part of a country’s cultural identity, but both are needed as they provide enjoyment to people in different ways.
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Re: Please access my writing task 2

Post by Flick »

masudsust07 wrote:The inequality between rich and poor nations is now wider than it has ever been before. What do you think are the main causes of this difference and what do you think can be done to reduce the gap?

In today’s world, developed nations are experiencing greater development than poor nations. Therefore, the differences in various aspects of life between modern countries and less developed countries are increasing day by day. Many factors are responsible for this situation. While lack of a proper education system and skilled workforceis obstructing overall progress of poor nations, the availability of modern technology is helping the developed world to acquire more wealth and a better life style.

Firstly, education makes a big difference between rich and poor nations. It is the backbone of a nation. The main agent that brings prosperity and sustainable development in a country. While the developed world is utilizing their knowledge to better manage natural resources and invent innovation, the difficulty in providing up to date education and the mismanagement of natural assets is delaying developing and destroying existing wealth in poor nations.

Take the USA and Somalia as an example. Highly learned scientists in the USA have begun producing biofuel in order to reduce dependence on importing fuels and savings millions of dollars which they are investing in other sectors such as health and transportation. On the other hand, the inexpert and illiterate Somalians are not able to handle their diamond mines and depend on western countries to help. As a result, they are losing millions of valuable foreign exchanges. Furthermore, political turbulence in many under-developed countries is hampering the development process and is creating problems for the proper functioning of existing industries. For instance, Bangladesh garment industries suffer a huge loss of money every year because of political turmoil. This has led to the shut down of many industries. As a result, the once promising country is lagging behind other developing counties such as India and China, both of which are experiencing a boom in economic growth because of political willingness and stability.

However, how this issuecan be solved is a big question. To minimize the gap between rich and poor nations, the education system of poor nations should be improved and a more skilled work force should be generated. For this, developed nations should share their knowledge with poor nations. The development of IT sectors and modern technology in villages in India with the help of renowned universities from the USA is a prime example of this. In addition to this, the citizens of the poor nations should be made politically conscious. Through these actions, the ever widening gap between developed and under-developed countries can be reduced.

On balance, it is felt that technology-driven innovation, better education and fair governance are leading the western world towards more improvement and a lack of these in poorer nations is causing more poverty and hunger. It is hoped that by generating skilled human resources and stabilizing an efficient government system in under-developed countries, inequality can be reduced.
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