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Please comment on my essay. Thanks

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:41 pm
by nida.jehangir
Tourism is an excellent tool through which a country can develop. However, certain side effects of tourism can be harmful. How can countries curb the damaging effects of growing tourism industry.

Tourism is nowadays counted among one of the top commerce industries forming a major source of revenue for many developing countries. According to WTO report, the total volume of business by tourism equals or even surpasses that of oil exports and food production. Along with all the economical benefits brought by tourism there are certain harmful side-effects like increase in inflation rate for local residents and damage to local culture. This essay will outline how we can avoid or minimize such damaging side-effects.

Firstly, tourism leads to increase in prices of local goods. It is observed that local traders would sell goods and services to visitors at exceptionally high rate thus leading to increase in overall inflation. Also because of increase in land value due to tourism, the prices of properties would go high. For instance, the rate of properties in well known tourist destinations like Dubai and Central London are quite high as compared to properties in surrounding locations thus causing problems for local buyers. To tackle with this problem government can introduce some sort of cap on the maximum profit that can be earned by businesses so that the prices do not exceed certain maximum limit and should stay within the reach of local residents.

Secondly tourism may affect local culture adversely. Visiting tourist may come from a place with completely different cultural values than the visiting country and therefore certain actions may sometimes result in undesirable consequences. For instance, some societies are conserved and they may find loose dressing or show of affection at public places as disrespectful towards their local values. Thus, to avoid such encounters local government can introduce some guidance programs for tourists that can give them general information about the local culture and traditions beforehand their visit.

From above analysis we can conclude that by taking some measures like introducing cap to maximum profits earned by businesses and introducing guidance schemes for tourists some of the main issues of tourism can be tackled and countries can keep reaping the benefits of this flourishing industry.

Re: Please comment on my essay. Thanks

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:41 am
by bunni015

Can any one please comment on answers submitted

Tourism is one industry, which is playing a bigger role in contributing to nation's wealth. Not only to country’s economy but also it helps to generate jobs in the respective services. In contrast, it is also a path to many side effects. The Industry is striving to address myriad problems associated with it and visitors. Two main issues were swiftly considered by responsible incumbents are: smuggling, cultural difference.

There are various reasons behind traveling to popular destinations these trips could be for pleasure, education, or business etc. No issues would arise, If the purpose of the trip is clear. However, at times, some visitors tend to carry some kind of narcotic substances - smuggling. Eventually, the border security forces have come up with various ways to identify these odd one out. For example, the behavior of the passenger at Airport security clearance and using various tools which measure the percentage of drugs they have.

Once the visitors are through with border security, then these are guests to visiting country. There are diverse cultures around the world and as a foreign nationals they should have a first hand knowledge about the destination and its culture. For instance, in India, a proper dress code has to be maintained, especially women, when they roam around public spots. Hence, it is the responsibility of the guests to be informed about the cultural differences and follow them accordingly to avoid unhappy events. In addition, for better understanding, industry started promoting the country's culture by various means of media for example, TV shows, books, recorded programs etc.

After examining some of the obstacles that are confronted by industry, it is clear that every country’s tourism industry have to continuously renew , rejuvenate their policies and by educating tourists about country’s cultural diversity and heritage. As a result, the tourism industry will be adding more to nation’s economy.

Total Word Count: 310
