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Please assess my task 2 ..

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:50 pm
by greg

The widespread use of the Internet has brought many problems. What do you think are the main
problems associated with the use of the web? What solutions can you suggest?


Twenty years after its invention, the Internet has become extremely popular. One can easily count the benefits that Internet added to our daily life, as easier access to information or easier methods to communicate internationally. However, as a famous Chinese idiom: “ In every good there is some bad” - The widespread use of the Internet has brought some problems as well.

Researchers had recognized two main problems with nowadays' Internet usage: A substantially raise in pornography addiction and a massive raise in anti-social behavior among youngsters. The first problem, pornography, that in the past was very rare, became extremely widespread. Today, by two clicks in the web browser, anyone can access pornography easily and become addicted. Scientists have report recently, that even after two or three visits to these Internet sites, the dopamine regulation in the brain gets damaged and addiction mechanism starts to occur. The second problem, anti-social behavior, effects mostly youngsters who spend over 6 hours a day surfing the web. These 6 hours are usually spent in search for small emotional excitements in “snuff movies” (violence) or pornography, instead of meeting friends and becoming social.

Fortunately, there are some available solutions. The easiest solution for pornography addiction is to install a website filtering program that blocks these sites. It can be installed in two minutes, and for my opinion, the government should force people by law to install it. Regards the anti-social behavior – I think that parents should set usage limits for their kids. 2 hours a day is enough.

To summarize, the Internet has brought to everyones life many goodies, but some problems as well. However, with some minimal steps - as installation of anti-pornography problems and setting usage limits, these problems can be eliminated easily.


Any suggestions? Do you think it worth 7? thx

Re: Please assess my task 2 ..

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 4:28 am
by devaraj
To summarize, the Internet has brought to everyones life many goodies,
To summarize, the Internet has brought to everyone's life many goodies,

Overall good essay. It look like 7band essay.

Re: Please assess my task 2 ..

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:24 pm
by greg
Thanks devaraj!!!!

Re: Please assess my task 2 ..

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:16 pm
by saqibali
Is this topic real?