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Please assess my General Writing Task 2.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:43 pm
by vikasggn
Every country has poor problem and every country has a different ways of dealing with the poor. What are some of the reasons for world poverty? How can the poor be helped.
Poverty is a social evil concerning a substantial percentage of population world over. Especially, the developed and under developed countries are worse affected because of this problem. Various steps and reforms are taken by different nations to curb this problem and work towards a progressive world.

World poverty can be attributed to various causes. In third world countries like India and China, key reason for poverty is population. Huge population prevents an effective distribution of education facilities, job opportunities and other government schemes meant for the poor. Problems like illiteracy, unemployment and lack of government support add to this making poverty a more complex problem.

For a nation to be prosperous, it is important to get atleast the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter fulfilled for everyone. An increasing divide between the rich and poor can be contained by providing good education and employment facilities to the poor. Various scholarships, government aids and subsidies can be provided to people below poverty line. Awareness camps can be organized to make the poor realize the importance of education and government facilities. A better tax structure and inflation control can further help to avoid rich becoming richer and poor becoming poorer.

To summarize, poverty has become a worldwide problem in 21st century and effective measures need to be taken to curb this menace from the society. Government is doing a wonderful job to ensure things fall in place. An extended effort by every citizen would help to make the world a much better place to live.

Re: Please assess my General Writing Task 2.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:21 pm
by devaraj
Problems like illiteracy, unemployment and lack of government support add to this making poverty a more complex problem.-->not appropriate words you can use "which makes poverty a more complex problem".

Problems like illiteracy, unemployment and lack of government support leads poverty a more complex problem.

Overall good essay. All the best!.