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Please help me assessing my writing task 1 for GT

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 7:35 pm
by vikasggn
You and your family are living in a rented accommodation. You are not satisfied with the condition of some of the furniture.
Write a letter to the landlord
- Introduce Yourself
- Explain what is wrong with the furniture
- What action you would like the landlord to take
Dear Mr. Smith

My name is Sam Johnson and I am a tenant in your apartment no. 7 on St. Botolph Street. We met once only while signing the rental agreement around 6 months back. I am writing to you to express my concern over the bad condition of dining table and wardrobe in the apartment and a request for an urgent possible repair.

The dining table has got a broken leg and often goes unbalanced. My daughter had a lucky escape last week when the boiling water had fallen down because of unevenness.

The wardrobe is also broken from the corner. I could see a rat entering the wardrobe last night. My wife is in panic not only because of the rat, but also because of germs and probable infection for our little daughter.

May I request you to kindly take a prompt action to carry out the necessary repairs for both the defective items. I will be highly grateful for an expedited feedback and positive response.

Yours Sincerely,
Sam Johnson.

Re: Please help me assessing my writing task 1 for GT

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 8:36 am
by petryworn
Hi! Please check the corrections at ... sp=sharing.

Good luck.

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Re: Please help me assessing my writing task 1 for GT

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:28 pm
by saqibali
I supposed, its an older post.
Do you still need to correct this essay?