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Task 2 - Young people in the goverment

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:59 pm
by greg

Some say that young people are not suitable for decision-making positions in governments; others, however, disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Traditionally, decision making positions are held only by old citizens. However, in the latest years, there is a strong trend to incorporate more and more younger citizens into these positions. This trend has made some people really angry, while others seems to agree with it. In this short essay, I will discuss both views and share my own opinion.

Opponents claim that young people aren't responsible enough for taking large scale decisions. Most of them say that young people have much less experience than needed and thus might take irresponsible acts. They usually give the example of the irresponsible act of Mitubish Kuri, the 25 years old president of Japan on the 90s. Kuri, that was the youngest president of Japan ever, had massively printed money to handle the high deflation. This decision caused Japan a large economical criss for over 20 years.

However, supporters claim that society can have many benefits from young people in these positions. Recent scientific studies had showed that younger people are more flexible to changes. For instance, every 8 of 9 teenagers knows how to operate a smartphone, while only 2 of 9 adults knows. This flexibility is very important in this fast technology growing world.

To summarize, on one hand, irresponsibility due to lack of experience seems to be a very bad disadvantage while on the other hand “open minded” and adaptation to change seems like a great advantage. I think we should allow some young individuals to join these strong decisions making position but to accompany them with some more mature advisors- just in case.


Any suggestions? Do you think it worth a 7? thx!

Re: Task 2 - Young people in the goverment

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:27 pm
by saqibali
I supposed, its an older post.
Do you still need to correct this essay?