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Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:34 pm
by DivyaRajkumar
Q1.Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?
With surging population and urbanisation ,the traffic congestion and air pollution have become pressing issues in the today’s society .Most people believe that soaring petrol price is the best way to tackle these growing traffic and pollution issues .Some people believe that hike in the petrol prices will reflect on the low economy residents. However, the car owners are the middle and high income people therefore still the congestion and air pollution persists. In my perspective, increasing petrol price is not only the best solution but also other measures can be added up.
Firstly ,the government can urge the citizens to use the electric car in lieu petrol car .In addition, non -motor vehicles such as bicycle would mitigate CO,CO2 emissions and global warming. Besides that the government can build special lanes for bike riders and impose obligatory pollution levy or congestion charges for these car riders .So, the taxation received can be leveraged to reform public transportation systems such as metro ,tram etc.
Additionally, alternative to fossil fuels can be bio diesel obtained from vegetable oil or animal fat which are predominately used in USA .These bio diesels in turn reduces emissions. For instance, British train operating companies have incorporated 80% petro diesel and 20% biodiesel. As a result, these naturally obtained oils could protect environment from green -house emissions ,bio dergradation.
To sum up ,Rising fuel prices is not the optimal approach to bring down the traffic congestion and pollution issues .Alternatively, rigorous methods can be adhered to revamp the current sytem .Despite this, it is the combined effort of the government and the people to guard the environment by planting more trees which will moderate the air pollution.


Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:22 pm
by saqibali
But we were given different questions


Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:26 pm
by charles205
Your write up is good, but from IELTS writing exam evaluators' perspective it lacks coherence. You have many good ideas, but it would be enough to have just two ideas extended and explained well. The thesis is clear, but in your first supporting para it is not directly linked with an outline,discussion and specific example.
Further in the concluding para, you need to rephrase your thesis. This is what I feel, a 6.5 band essay.
Good luck.


Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 5:53 pm
by saqibali
I will write it another time here