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Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:06 pm
by dearjohn
please check this, i need feedbacks. :)

Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people would argue that sticking to usual routines and limiting alterations is always preferable. Some people despise this idea and think otherwise. Many factors can be considered contributing to these opposing views, as will now be discussed.

To begin with, people might not want change because they are currently happy and satisfied. If a person got all the goods he needs and wants, it is best to remain that way. Moreover, adopting change can mean deviating from the usual way things are done. This entails studying of course, and going back to basic. For instance, a bank employee handling payments for a decade. This employee is assumed to be efficient as he already mastered the usual process of accepting payments. In the case of change in the payment process, this bank employee should change his usual routine and review the new process. As a result, unfamiliarity to the new process leads one back to zero.

On the other hand, some people are open-minded to welcome change anytime. As the cliche goes, change is permanent. As change is surely bound to happen, one must be ready to adopt major or minute changes. Being stagnant is boring. For example, in politics, nowadays the government are ran by dynasties. This situation is unfavorable especially if there is no improvement seen by the citizens. In this case, change is a good thing and it could be realized by electing new leader who will catalyze development.

To conclude, in my opinion, change can positively or negatively influence one's life. If some changes are needed for the betterment, then it should be embraced. However, if this would only complicate things, I would rather ought to practice things the conventional way.


Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 5:02 pm
by saqibali
Imagine you have missed articles and reread your essay