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evaluate my essay

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:45 pm
by ritupatel
In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong. While others consider it as a valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility.
What are your opinions on this?

Today, many people all around the world are engaged in some kind of paid work. Mostly teenagers who want to make extra pocket money to pay their bills or have some fun. People have different opinions on this depending on their culture and values; some support it while others do not support it. I believe that it is a very good thing that children want to do some kind of paid work. This will be proven be analyzing that this makes children responsible and active and they can get work experience.

Firstly, many children are often lazy and irresponsible therefore doing some paid work can actually make them responsible. For example my friend would often just sleep and home his parents would do all the work but since he moved away from home for further studies, he began to do work for extra money and this made him more responsible and active. Thus, this proves that engaging in paid work makes you responsible. Clearly this shows that engaging in paid work is the right thing to do.

Most of the companies and jobs require work experience in today’s world. For instance I was applying for a job at one of the biggest companies in my town but I had no experience and so they did not except me. This therefore shows that working as a child is a good way to get experience.

In conclusion working as a child is good because it makes you responsible and it is a good way to get some experience. I recommend all the children to have some kind of paid work because it is the best thing to do.

Re: evaluate my essay

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:05 am
by bunni015

Here is my opinion about the subject

The subject ‘child labor’ has always been a moot point in many countries between children welfare groups and their parents. Different points are raised in these debates based on livelihood, financial support, learning abilities. However, it is believed that children at childhood ought to avoid loads of work burden. This argument provides ample reasons to support that childhood is time for fun and learning, but not for working.

Firstly,parents of children has to comprehend, what childhood is meant for? It is the time for having fun, identifying their skills, and raising them as a well-behaved citizens.For instance, If a child works for full-time in a shopping mall, this can affect the child understanding ability about the terms schooling, learning, playing, helping and importantly friendship. Since the child is busy in earning money and every day child devotes most of the time to same kind of activities, therefore the chances of taking-up new tasks & responsibilities diminishes. Clearly, children should not be sent to work.

Secondly, Children feel in-secure, overloaded and fear to express their opinions at work place. For instance, if a child at a workplace is under a stringent supervision on his working patterns, then the child attention would be more on his supervisor and his orders. Instead, of doing the task properly, the child might end-up in handling it wrongly. This can lead to a situation where the child might not grow intellectually and also loses his right to speak and expressing his opinions. Additionally, this kind of environment can be a stressor to their thinking capabilities.Therefore, introducing children to these kind of working environments must be avoided.

Finally, to compendious, after cogitation at different opinions and their implications, it is undeniable that encouraging children to work can have many side effects. Instead of gaining experience the child might be losing in many other aspects . I assume that responsible government incumbents should exhort all business entities and community to go against child labour.


Re: evaluate my essay

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:52 am
by maks1602
In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong. While others consider it as a valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility.
What are your opinions on this?

There are a lot of different countries with various cultures. Some where one position is acceptable and some where the same one is absollutely inappropriate. Now we have a lot of discussions around the world, concerning children's labour. Peoples opinions are completely different as usual.

People who say that it's wrong freqently appeal to biology and psychology in this case. I mean, that think that work can harm children's biologycal and psychological health. I know one man who worked when he was seventeen. He was a candidate to youth football team of Ukraine at that time until he had broke his back while he was working. Of course he's lost all perspectives to become football player. So, sometimes people are right, saying that youngsters' labour is wrong.

But there are other thoughts about children's work as a valuable experience. I have an example from my own life. I worked on a hard, physical job to earn money to go to the Black sea in summer. And now I think that it was really good for me. However, that labour in young age is always appropriate.

As for me, the truth can't be found in one position or example. It's always in the middle. I think, that children if they wish to work need to discuss it with their parents. If they have a good chance to become football players of musicians it would be better to play football or music than work. But if they feel that job is very important for them, nobody can forbid them to make such choice.

To make long story short I'd like to say that who wants to work can do this. Who has better variants, please develop your talents and you will have very exciting and paid job in future.

Looking forward for evaluation.
Best wishes, Maksym