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Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:54 pm
by saadhin
Writing task-1: Write a letter to the Head teacher or princhipal of your child’s school to request for a day off for a special family celebration.
You should:
(i) Describe the celebration.
(ii) Mention it is necessary for your child to be present there.
(iii) Suggest how your child can make-up for the previous lessons he / she will miss.
You should write at least 150 words.
You NOT need to wriete your own address.
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir,

This letter is being written to you in hope, that you could allow a day off for my child Shamsul Arefin, a student of grade-IV in your school. Basically, I am really concerned about the study lessons that will be lost for that, because his final exam is knocking at the door. However, this is an unavoidable situation; I would like to inform you about that.

The next 28th August is the 50th marriage anniversary of my parents. Thus, they arranged a big celebration programme at our village cottage. All family members and relatives will attend the programme. My son is the only grandchild of my parents, thus they expect his presence at this programme. They really adore him and I cannot hurt them by avoiding the family occasion. However, I have a plan to recover the lessons he will miss that day. I think he could discuss with the class teachers about the lessons in advance and could utilize his free to make-up for them.

I would be so grateful if you could allow the leave for my child and cooperate to make –up for his classes.

Sincerely Yours,

Shah Paran Saadhin


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:31 pm
by Flick
saadhin wrote:Writing task-1: Write a letter to the Head teacher or princhipal of your child’s school to request for a day off for a special family celebration.
You should:
(i) Describe the celebration.
(ii) Mention it is necessary for your child to be present there.
(iii) Suggest how your child can make-up for the previous lessons he / she will miss.
You should write at least 150 words.
You NOT need to wriete your own address.
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir,

This letter is being written to you in hope, that you could allow a day off for my child Shamsul Arefin, a student of grade-IV in your school. (<--Reword to: "Please allow my child, Shamsul Arefin, a day off on the 28th of August.") Basically, I am really concerned about the study lessons that will be lost for that, because his final exam is knocking at the door. (<--Delete this sentence.) However, this is an unavoidable situation; I would like to inform you about that. (<--Reword to: "Although his final exam is soon, we have an important family event that requires Shamsul's attendance.")

The 28th August is the 50th marriage anniversary of my parents. Thus, they have arranged a big celebration at our home. All family members and relatives will attend. My son is the only grandchild of my parents, thus they expect his presence. They really adore him and I cannot hurt them by avoiding the family occasion.(<--Delete this sentence.) However, I have a plan to recover the lessons he will miss that day. I think he could discuss with the class teachers about the lessons in advance and could utilize his free time to make-up for them.

I would be so grateful if you could allow the leave for my child and cooperate to make up for his classes.

Sincerely Yours,

Shah Paran Saadhin