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IELTS Speaking - An interesting fact

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:16 am
by msarkar
Hi All,

I am curious know a fact about IELTS speaking. Those who have already appeared for the test, could you please reply?

There are so many blogs where we can see previous IELTS speaking questions. Do they really repeat those questions especially cue cards? Anybody ever got a cue card common in the speaking exam?

~ MS

Re: IELTS Speaking - An interesting fact

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 5:32 pm
by ieltstaker140816
Hi msarkar,

Don't expect to get same cue card as ones that you can find on IELTS blogs. There is definitely a chance, but hardly ever is there a coincidence like that (unless you practice almost topics given on the Internet) :-P

What I did was to prepare for questions such as describing objects (book, movie,...)/ people/ buildings/ places... and practice some common topics like this ... three.html

It worked well for me last time when I got the topic "describe s.t that you bought, but rarely use". Afterwards I described a book that I bought last year. Luckily, things ran smoothly as planned.

Hope this could help you somehow! :)