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task 2.2

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 9:11 pm
by robin20y
Many people think it is important to protect the environment, but they make no effort on it themselves. Why is it and what your opinion?
Environmental protection is a topic which is more pronounced by today’s media. Despite the knowledge in the importance of keeping the nature safe, people are reluctant to do that. To my mind, prejudiced view of individual on this subject would be the primary reason.
First of all, the misconception of people on financial expenses required to clean the nature is one of the reasons that making them to show a negative attitude over environmental protection. For instance, a study conducted in Kerala, in India, shows that many people are afraid of huge amount of money required to reduce pollution. In reality, less expensive methods such as planting trees are the solution to this problem and most people are less considerate about this. Thus, it is clear that misconceived financial expense in people is a hurdle to protect our environment.
Similarly, false assumption of people that government is solely responsible for environment is another factor. For example, it is more common in India that people blame the government for severely polluted towns. In fact, people do not realize that they have a duty to dispose the waste appropriately. Therefore, people should be aware about their duties to keep the environment clean from pollutants.
To sum up, though public is aware about dangers in the polluted environment, their misconceptions driving them off from helping the planet. Therefore, I believe that public should be re-educated about their responsibilities to keep our mother nature safe. Otherwise, humanity will watch severe side effects of careless treating of the environment.

Re: task 2.2

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:56 am
by fas_saf28
My Feedback: Overall, the flow of information is good. Cohesion devices is handled well. Sentences are structured in a concise manner and good vocabulary too. However some mistakes are present which are pointed in 'red' below.

Environmental protection is a topic which is more pronounced by today’s media. Despite (having) the knowledge in (on) the importance of keeping the nature safe, people are reluctant to do that. To my mind, prejudiced view of individual on this subject would be the primary reason.

First of all, the misconception of people on financial expenses required to clean the nature is one of the reasons that making them to show a negative attitude over environmental protection. For instance, a study conducted in Kerala, in India, shows that many people are afraid of huge amount of money required to reduce pollution. In reality, less expensive methods such as planting trees are the solution to this problem and most people are less considerate about this. Thus, it is clear that misconceived financial expense in people is a hurdle to protect our environment.

Similarly, false assumption of people that government is solely responsible for environment is another factor. For example, it is more common in India that people blame the government for severely polluted towns. In fact, people do not realize that they have a duty to dispose the waste appropriately. Therefore, people should be aware about their duties to keep the environment clean from pollutants.

To sum up, though public is aware about dangers in (of) the polluted environment, their misconceptions driving them off from helping the planet. Therefore, I believe that public should be re-educated about their responsibilities to keep our mother nature safe. Otherwise, humanity will watch severe side effects of careless treating (treatment) of the environment.