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Task 2

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 3:13 am
by wei-pin
Kindly give your comment and potential score for this.

Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and education? Or is it the responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to look after their citizens themselves?

Poverty among nations has become a widespread problem in the global community. Issues arise as to whether wealthy nations should be required to share their wealth to poor nations or to just leave this obligation of providing for their own needs to their government officials. In my opinion, wealthy nations should be required to support the less fortunate ones. This will be explained further.

Requiring nations to share even a small percentage of their wealth to poor nations would be a great way to help alleviate the sufferings of the poor nations. This would also prevent wealth from well-off nations to stagnate. For instance, the aid being given, in the form of food can assist those people who cannot obtain for their basic needs that many wealthy nations may have in abundance. Long term help through education would help people in poor countries to become more knowledgeable about the state in which their country is in. Through this, people will be able to bring about solutions that may help them in the future without any more asking help from neighbouring nations.

On the other hand, other people may think that requiring wealthy nations to give support would mean to demand help from them. This would seem unfair for some individuals because it would deter the well-off nations' freedom to choose whether to help or not. Another point would be that the poor nation would somehow become dependent on the help being given to them. Furthermore, aid given to fund for food and education might be stuck in the hands of corrupt government officials.

In conclusion, some people make a stand that the government should look after their citizens while some think wealthy nations should give their share in helping poorer nations. Based on the above statements, it is more favourable for me to require wealthy nations to share their resources for it allows people to have a better life and lessen their problem with poverty.