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task 2.4

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:35 pm
by robin20y
Today‘s children are living under more pressure from the society than children in the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Life style of humanity has been changed over the time. It has been argued by many that such changes made the life of children more tensed than in the past. At some extent, I have agreed to that concept. This view will be proven with following reasons.

Primarily, an increase in the number of child molest cases clearly shows that the awfulness of childhood in these days. For instance, in the last week, BBC news has been reported that nearly 1400 cases of child abuse have been registered in UK alone in the last couple of years. That number would be much higher when considering the status of all countries in the world. This makes it clear that children are going through a tough time in this century.

in addition to that, when modern lifestyle changed measures of success from honesty and hard work to wealth and possession, children’s mind is also being filled with those materialistic concepts. For instance, in these days, even in a developing country like India, children are taught to become more competitive to gain financially rather to become humble citizens. Definitely, such races tense the life of young children in this so called modern century.

To conclude, increasing number of crimes towards children as well as the changed values of social life is really straining the life of children in this era. Thus it is clear that why I have opined childhood in the past was smoother than the present time. After analyzing the subject, I believe that it is the high time to do something to ease the life of children.