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essay 2.5

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:51 am
by robin20y
The qualities a person needs to become successful in today's world cannot be learned at a university or similar academic institution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Life style lead by people today has been changed so far from the past. Similarly, the way which defined the success of life is also changed with that. Therefore, some people are in a view that academic education is incapable to teach someone the exact way to success in this era. Personally, at some extent I believe in that concept. This view will be proven with following reasons.

To begin with, a mind to work hard and a vision to see new opportunities are absolutely necessary for a success in career level. For instance, in India, many IT companies hire employees through campus selection process. Unfortunately, a large number of those new employees fail to proceed in such jobs for a long time. Because, once the employees are selected, companies never focus anything other than ability to reach assigned targets from staff, and those qualities are not formed with higher education. This makes it clear that university level education itself is not much helpful to succeed in career.

In addition to that, as a social being, a loving and caring family life is essential to define success in human life. To be precise, even if the degrees are collected from Harvard or Cambridge, if a man or woman doesn't know how to live as a family, cannot be considered as successful in life. Sadly, a mind to run a family is not a subject to teach in universities as it is a basic concept of humanity. Therefore, it is evident that university education cannot secure success in life.

To conclude, higher degrees from colleges or universities alone will not drive one to success. In fact, along with education, one should need a mentality to work hard and to lead a social life with family.