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Hi everyone!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:29 pm
by sinhasiha
Greetings and salutations to the good people of the Forum! I've been enjoying all of the discussions provided by the knowledgeable members of this forum for quite a while now, but never thought about joining in ... until now!
I'm looking forward to getting your opinions with you all.

¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•. ¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸



Re: Hi everyone!

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:14 am
by hari6143
Whole world is on fast track with new technologies development in various field that makes human life much easier and faster. On the other hand this technologies cause measurable level of damage to the human and their societies.
In line with the above points I would to say our country is in dangerous situation for the next coming years with major problems related to environment pollution , health related and ecological problems .
Firstly coming to pollution due heavy traffic on road, and use more cars and bike on the road which run with petrol and diesels. They cause serious health problems and as well as air pollution. This problem can be reduced to some extent by using public transport system like metros and bus rapid system, which run on electricity and it is ecological to the environment.
Secondly carpooling while going/coming to office can make more cost efficient and reduce air pollution.
Lastly government has to take necessary step to control the air pollution by planting more tree all around the city and provide better connectivity throughout the city all around d the clock. This measures can make public to use more public transport so that air pollution can be reduced slowly over the years, which increase the life span with good health and can save money spending in other ways instead of spending more to healthy problems
.Lastly I would like to say that it an individual responsibility to save our country and adopt to new technologies when and where it is required for better and safer future of the country .

Whole world is on fast track with new technologies development in various field that makes human life much easier and faster. On the other hand this technologies cause measurable level of damage to the human and their societies.
In line with the above points I would to say our country is in dangerous situation for the next coming years with major problems related to environment pollution , health related and ecological problems .
Firstly coming to pollution due heavy traffic on road, and use more cars and bike on the road which run with petrol and diesels. They cause serious health problems and as well as air pollution. This problem can be reduced to some extent by using public transport system like metros and bus rapid system, which run on electricity and it is ecological to the environment.
Secondly carpooling while going/coming to office can make more cost efficient and reduce air pollution.
Lastly government has to take necessary step to control the air pollution by planting more tree all around the city and provide better connectivity throughout the city all around d the clock. This measures can make public to use more public transport so that air pollution can be reduced slowly over the years, which increase the life span with good health and can save money spending in other ways instead of spending more to healthy problems
.Lastly I would like to say that it an individual responsibility to save our country and adopt to new technologies when and where it is required for better and safer future of the country .

what will be my score for above task 2.

Re: Hi everyone!

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:20 pm
by sinhasiha
oh nice to meet you

Re: Hi everyone!

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:43 pm
by hari6143
please give feedback on my eassy

Re: Hi everyone!

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:53 pm
by shahmeen