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Please provide feedback on my task 1 letter writing.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:09 pm
by fas_saf28
Letter Writing 7. Last month you had a holiday overseas where you stayed with some friends. They have just sent you some photos of your holiday.
Write a letter to your friends, In the letter
- Thank them for the photos and holiday
- Explain why you didn't write earlier
- Invite them to come and stay with you.

Dear Mark,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. Yesterday, I received your post along with the photos of our holiday. I am very glad to see all the pictures have come really well. Thank you and others for sending the photos to me and for the delightful holiday we had.
I'm sorry I couldn't write to you earlier because I am a bit busy doing some arrangements. Hope you remember it is for my engagement with Monica.
I take this as an opportunity to invite you and others to come and stay with me at least a few days earlier to my engagement party. You see, I have already booked the accommodation in a resort for each of you in the hope you all will definitely gather and come to my special day. I'll soon send you another post with the respective travelling tickets.

Hoping to see you all soon
Fazil Hassan.