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Thank you, lmoore! I got a 6.5 on speaking.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:33 am
by Charmy
Thank you, lmoore! I got a 6.5 on speaking.

My last recording to thank you

Re: Thank you, lmoore! I got a 6.5 on speaking.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:30 pm
by lmoore
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us all! I think you raise a valid point about the need to say something when you are asked a question you don't know the answer to or may not agree with. If you don't think you're able to answer it, perhaps say why you can't answer it. If you get a question like, "What is the negative side of being beautiful?" you might reply, "I don't believe there is a negative side of being beautiful, personally, but I can see where others might think that being beautiful can cause someone to be vain. However, I don't see this as a problem because. . ."

Well done, Charmy, and we wish you the best!

Re: Thank you, lmoore! I got a 6.5 on speaking.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:11 am
by jasmine12
WELL, i am not sure what the real problem is. Yet, my recordings are certainly not exceeding beyond 3-4 Mb.Its just that when i upload the attachment, it fails to be send.