Capital Punishment( please review and leave comment)

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Capital Punishment( please review and leave comment)

Post by Aditi »

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Without capital punishment our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increases. Capital punishment is essential to control crime in the society. To what extend do you agree or disagree.

A matter of considerable controversy at present is the issue of whether capital punishment plays significant role for maintaining peaceful and crime free communities; or rather offenders should be given other punishments. It is agreed that capital punishment is a good approach to rectify crimes from the societies. This will be proven by looking at how this approach decreases crime rate and maintain peace in the society.

Firstly, capital punishment acts as a precursor to declination of offensive activities in the society. For example, when an individual learns that the consequence of breaking-law is capital punishment, then that person will never commit the crime. This is because every individual adore living their life. From this it is quite evident that execution law generates positive influence to the person and alert them for prohibiting criminal activities.

Secondly, community people feel safe when government impose this rule. That is to say, if the criminal commit crimes that are inevitable, like murdering, kidnapping and raping, then it is better solution. If government gives some years of punishment to them, then the people in the society feel unsafe because same criminal act can repeat in near future. Therefore, it is clear that to maintain society’s peaceful and happy capital punishment is better option.

To conclude, capital punishment brings several merits for eliminating crime rate from the societies and to create community free of terror. This is thus it is believed that this is a better approach to combat criminal behaviour. However, this punishment should only be eligible for the criminal that creates catastrophic situations and extreme crimes.
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