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Please help me by giving your feedback

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 1:35 pm
by avenger
The main aim of advertising is to increase the sales volume, but it drives people to buy products they don’t really need. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion.

Advertisement is a part and parcel for most of the industries now a days. They use it as their common policy to increase their sales rate. It is agreed that sometimes these commercials encourage people to buy unnecessary products. This will be shown by analysing commercial of the products related to health care and home decoration.

Looking first at the health care products, it can be seen quite often that some commercials provide various attractive assurance about health. For example, some commercials offer various type of slimming tools which are practically ineffective. However, people tend to buy those products despite of their ineffectiveness. Thus, temptation of buying needless products can be seen by analysing this example.

Moreover, some advertisements show products relevant with home decoration. For instance, commercials of wall paints are very common scenarios in India. They encourage people to paint each room with different color. By watching these, people often decorate their own houses on par with the commercials which are completely unnecessary. Thus, it is clear that advertisement is the main reason of buying unnecessary products

After conducting the above analysis, it can be concluded that commercials encourage people to buy products which is not necessary. It is expected in future that commercials will exhibit only those products which are useful in reality

Re: Please help me by giving your feedback

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 4:48 am
by avenger

Kindly help me by giving your valuable feedback