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Single motherhood

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 4:10 pm
by Kate_
Hi everyone, could you please comment on my essay? Thank you a lot!

Topic: Do you agree or disagree with single mom?

The rate of single motherhood has skyrocketed in recent years. The birth rate for unmarried women in the US was up 80 percent in the almost three decades since 1980. This trend is disagreed because of the financial problems, psychological matters and social pressure that single moms may deal with. These points of view will be discussed in succession.

Firstly, single mothers have to deal with the financial problem. They have to pay for not only their expenses but also the child’s costs, which is a heavy burden for them. According to Pew research institute, families led by a single mom earned a median income of $20000 per year in 2011, while a 0-4 year-old costs about $5000 a year and this figure increases as children grow up. These numbers show that with the average standard of living they are having, single mothers can not guarantee a safe life for both them and their children.

Secondly, psychological matters including lack of father sole are chilling single mothers’ wills of raising children by themselves. No matter how independent they are, the unmarried women consistently need a man beside to share difficulties with them. Science has clarified the explicit positive effect of marriage when it can detract pressure in the family by the connection between mom and dad, as well as parents and children. Psychological matters bother single mothers more as they can not spend time on parties because of time with their children. For this reason, single motherhood should not be agreed.

Last but not least, single mothers are suffering from a lot of social pressure, of which the clearest manifestation is discrimination. A 2011 study from the American Pew Research Center found that approximately 70% of respondents agreed single mothers are bad for society. In China, single motherhood not only carries an unshakable stigma, but also bears the significant fines from the government. According to University of Chicago, single mothers may face job discrimination and find it hard to have an advance in their careers. Therefore the negativity of society doubles the burden that a single mom has to suffer.

In conclusion, no matter how open the world viewpoint may be on single motherhood, financial difficulties, psychological matters and social pressure are always the biggest problems that the single moms have to deal with. Therefore single motherhood should not be agreed.