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Please Check the essay and suggest how could I improve t

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:09 am
by Saya
Task 2
All education and healthcare should be funded by government and free to everyone.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Nowadays the topic about availability of education and healthcare systems is very relevant. It is believed that the frameworks of modern education and healthcare are not fair for some people who cannot have access to treatment or learning services by financial reasons. Therefore it is agreed that education and healthcare should be free for every citizen and fully funded by its government. This will be shown by analyzing the quality of payment services and social benefits of free education and healthcare.
Firstly, the quality of services in such essential areas as education and healthcare is very important aspect for the public welfare while the purpose of any enterprise is making profits. Take private universities as an example. Private universities in their search for profit have started to accept as more new students as possible, regardless their academic marks. The example shows the reason why tertiary education has become widespread among workers of Kazakhstan, while the diploma of bachelor or master degree is appeared as less valuable. Thus, it can be seen that governmental organizations have another aims that can regulate the educational system of a state as a whole by establishing high standards.
Secondly, it is obvious that availability of the public services has own benefits for society. For instance, if any person suddenly fells sick or falls unconscious on the street, he can be provided with first aid in hospital for free. It is very convenient for talented people to be free to learn or for sick people to know that they can be treated well despite of their finance. Thus, these public services should be equally available for every person in thriving society.
Following the analyzing of the quality of paid services and social benefits of free education and healthcare, it is clear that all education and healthcare should be funded by government and free for everyone. It is expected that as state is becoming wealthier, it begins to introduce higher standards of education and provided healthcare for everyone seeking it.
(333 words)

Re: Please Check the essay and suggest how could I improve t

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:30 am
by trevorlombard
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