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Please Check the essay and suggest how could I improve t

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:18 am
by Saya
Tasks 2
It is generally believed that the Internet is an excellent means of communication but some people suggest that it may not be the best place to find information.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
In the modern society the Internet resource is extensively gaining its popularity. It is common opinion that the Internet opens new ways of communication all over the world. However, some people consider Internet resources as an unreliable one. These points of view will be discussed in this essay.
It is believed that the Internet is not the best place to find information. An idea that supports this point is the absence of regulations of the Internet content. Therefore, information from the Global network is characterized as unreliable. For instance, the Internet contains lots of unlicensed texts and media that identity cannot be trusted. Thus, it is clear why some people gravitate towards this point of view.
On the other hand, many argue that the Global network is very useful device because they see the Internet as an excellent means of communication. It is obvious that widely used Internet opens new avenue for communication such as social media. Take the Skype as an example. The Skype program effectively decided the connection problem between people who is divided by distance. As a result, the Global network seems to be an excellent means of communication. After analyzing these facts, it is clear why many support this claim.
For reasons related to safety and reliability of Internet content, the Internet is not accepted as a good place to find needed information by some people. Nevertheless, the Internet is using as a convenient communication tool. After analyzing the two points of view it is clear that the Internet is an excellent means of communication and it is expected that the Internet content will be more secure in the future.
(274 words)